fabric8? Please check out Jenkins X instead!

James Strachan
1 min readNov 20, 2018


I still get the odd comment, tweet or response to a blog post I wrote about fabric8 a year or two ago.

So for anyone following the fabric8 videos, blogs or old tweets I just wanted to mention that I’ve not been at Red Hat or worked on fabric8 in a year and instead have been working on Jenkins X instead — automated CI/CD for any kubernetes cluster — and so far its way way more awesome than fabric8 ever was!

e.g. Jenkins X supports many clouds and platforms (such as on Google, Amazon, Azure, OpenShift, Pivotal, IBM Cloud) has pluggable build packs and integrated Preview Environments and DevPods!

Meanwhile fabric8 as an OSS CI/CD platform has been effectively dead for over a year — its a little cryptic but you can see from the home page — message ‘gofabric8 is now sandboxed’ basically means there’s no longer a way to install fabric8 as a CI/CD platform ;).

The core team behind fabric8 left Red Hat a year ago to join CloudBees and work on Jenkins X.

There are still some sub projects within fabric8 that have not been archived like the fabric8-maven-plugin but mostly fabric8 is now a dead OSS project.

So if you want an OSS project that does automated CI/CD for any kubernetes cluster (such as on Google, Amazon, Azure, OpenShift, Pivotal, IBM Cloud etc) with automated GitOps promotion through your environments and Preview Environments on your Pull Requests then please do checkout Jenkins X. Its awesome!



James Strachan

I created Groovy and Apache Camel. I’m currently working at CloudBees on Jenkins X: automated CI/D for Kubernetes: https://jenkins-x.io/