English Language Help in Progress or Success

Jaweria Subhapota
3 min readMay 24, 2023


English language is a new sparkle in life. English is a remarkable, adaptable, flexible language. It is the world’s second largest native language. English is the universal language of the world because it is one of the most used languages. English has become the prevalent language of business. It is the most functional language There is one language that could have a chance of being considered universal, it would be English. English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad. It’s also the language of international communication, the media, and the internet, so learning English is important for socializing and entertainment as well as work! The Internet is a great sign of this since most of the Internet is only written in English. In today’s globalized world there are many reasons to learn a foreign language, and many benefits to studying English specifically. Also, since the Internet is becoming the most effective way to communicate overseas, more cultures are being forced to learn English. Global companies such as Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, Fast Retailing, Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP, Technicolor, and Microsoft in Beijing, have mandated English as their official corporate language. In addition, in 2010 the company Rakuten, a Japanese cross between Amazon and eBay, made it mandatory for their 7,100 Japanese employees to be able to speak English. Currently, there are around 1.5 billion English speakers around the world, which represents a fifth of the world’s total population. English is spoken in some of the most economically and culturally influential countries globally, and over the centuries has become the main language not only of international communication, but of international business, academia, medicine, science, technology, and law. English has become the prevalent language of business and international correspondence the most widely spoken language in the world. When you consider this, it’s no wonder that so many people select to learn English to enhance their life and the opportunities available to them. Another reason to study English is the access it can give you to some of the best education systems and institutes in the world. Many of the world’s best universities are either situated in the UK and the USA or use English as the main language for their courses, and English skills are therefore key when it comes to applying. When you learn English as a second language, you are also learning new ways to think and express yourself both verbally and through the written word. Learning multiple languages can help you communicate more clearly in any language as you learn more about how language itself works and how to use it to communicate with others in all kinds of social, educational, and professional settings. It’s also the primary language of the press: more newspapers and books are written in English than in any other language, and basically no matter where in the world you are, you will find some English books and newspapers available. In fact, because it is so dominant in international communication, you will have access to more information regarding nearly every subject if you can understand this language.

Quotes and sayings about English language :



Jaweria Subhapota

Spreading knowledge of healthy lifestyle , self development and life changing inspirational stories to motivate you to work for the life you desire.