The Ultimate Test Day Strategies That Will Boost Your Grade

Jason Sze
6 min readOct 25, 2023


Hey there, students! We all know that feeling of dread that creeps in as a big exam approaches. You’ve put in the hours of studying, and now it’s time to put your knowledge to the test. But fear not, because there are some fantastic test day strategies that can significantly boost your grades and make the whole experience less stressful.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of test day strategies, let’s set the stage. Test days can be intimidating, but with the right approach, you can walk in feeling confident and ready to conquer whatever the exam throws at you. These strategies aren’t just about cramming more information into your brain; they’re about using your time wisely and making the most out of the knowledge you’ve already gained through your diligent study sessions.

1. Solve The Easy Ones First

You open your test booklet, and the very first question looks like it’s been written in hieroglyphics. Your palms get sweaty and panic starts to set in. What do I do now? Well, take a deep breath and remember strategy number one: solve the easy questions first.

Start with the questions that you know you can answer without breaking a sweat. Every test has at least a few of these — even the SAT. Whether they be easy math problems or a simple fill in the blank, be sure to do those questions first.

This approach serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it builds your confidence from the start because you can recognize the correct answer right away. Secondly, it allows you to collect easy points so that you won’t miss them when you’re under time pressure. And sometimes, the easiest question and the hardest question on the test could be worth the exact same number of points, so securing the easy one will make your life a lot easier. And on a related topic…

2. If It’s Too Hard, Just Skip It

One minute goes by, then five minutes, then ten minutes, and you are still racking your brain trying to solve this one impossible question. Then you look up at the clock. Your eyes widen as you see that you only have twenty minutes to complete the remaining thirty questions. Shoot. This isn’t looking good.

Spending too much time on one question can really hurt your grade. If you are really struggling on a problem, it is best to just move on and come back to it when you’ve finished everything else.

Most of the time, the points you get from getting that one seemingly impossible question right is not worth the sacrifice of the rest of the questions on the test. Having to rush through the test can not only cause you to make silly mistakes, but also miss easy points. Also, sometimes the answers to later questions can provide hints that can help you answer the one you were stuck on.

So the next time you catch yourself spending too much time on one problem, don’t hesitate to skip that question and come back to it at a later time, because that extra time may be just what you need to get an A on the test.

3. The Art Of Checking

You have just completed the test and you take a big sigh of relief. It’s finally over. You begin to stand up to hand in your test when someone from across the room yells “STOP!!!” Frozen in place, you wonder, “Who’s yelling at me to stop?” That someone is me.

Checking your answers is just as important, if not more important, than knowing how to answer the questions correctly. Checking your work can catch your silly mistakes and any questions you left unanswered. The result of this? Your final grade gets boosted by those few extra points that can make or break your grade.

So how do you check your work? Well, sit back down and then go all the way back to the first page and reread the first question. Without looking at the answer you put the first time or trying to remember what your answer was, solve the question again.

Once you have solved the question for the second time, look back to the answer you put and if the two answers match, you can safely say that you have the right answer. Go ahead and put a checkmark next to the question and move on to the second question. Writing a checkmark next to the question is important because it tells you that the answer is not to be changed anymore and that you know you got the question right, letting you focus on the rest of the test with more peace of mind.

However, if the answer from your second time around doesn’t match the answer from the first time, well we have a dilemma…

4. To Change Or Not To Change

To change or not to change. That is the age-old dilemma. Countless times, we have been in the situation where two answers seem equally correct. So which one do you choose? The one you chose the first time around or the one that seems more likely the second time? Do you trust your gut or second guess yourself?

I have been in this situation so many times myself and my answer is always the same. Always stay with the answer you originally chose UNLESS you are 110% sure that the other answer is correct. Not only should you be absolutely certain that the second choice is correct, but you also have to explain to yourself why your first answer is wrong and why the second answer is correct. So if in doubt, stick with your gut.

There are two reasons for this. First, I have seen from experience time and time again that my first choice is more often than not the correct answer. Second, the pain of knowing that “I had the right answer but then I changed it” is too great to bear, so I tend to stick with my first answer.

Heed my advice and trust your gut unless you have good reason to do otherwise.

Final words

As you sit there on test day, remember that it’s not just about how much you’ve crammed into your brain; it’s also about how you approach the exam. These strategies are like valuable tools in your test-taking toolkit, and you can use them to your advantage. Here are some final words of wisdom to keep in mind:

Stay calm: Take deep breaths and keep those nerves in check. A calm mind is a powerful one.

Time management: Keep a close eye on the clock. Don’t linger too long on one question; if you’re stuck, move on and return later if needed.

Stay positive: A positive mindset can make a world of difference in your performance. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

Practice: The more you practice these strategies, the better you’ll become at applying them effectively. Try them out on practice exams before the big day.

Healthy habits: Leading up to your test day, ensure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying hydrated. A healthy body supports a healthy mind.

Learn from your mistakes: After the test, take the time to review what you got wrong and why. This self-reflection will help you improve for future exams.

Test day doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With a little preparation and these handy strategies in your toolkit, you can transform it into a day of triumph. So, go ahead, confidently tackle that test, and show it who’s boss! You’ve got this!



Jason Sze

Exploring my curiosity and passionate about self improvement and productivity