What Is Your Happy Place?

Jason Sze
3 min readOct 27, 2023


I’ve got a question for you. Do you have a place to go when life isn’t going your way? Where do you go when you’re feeling down, tired, or stressed and just want a safe space to relax?

Now, I’m not talking about a physical space, but a mental one. I call this place a “happy place,” where all worries, doubts, and anxieties disappear and where anything is possible. I use this daily in my meditation practice, and I strongly encourage you to do so as well. Here I’ll share my “happy place.”

My Happy Place

As I close my eyes, I am transported to another dimension. I take a deep breath in and open my imaginary eyes. My pupils dilate as I absorb the world around me in all of its fullness. The air is crisp and clear and it is the perfect temperature: not too hot and not too cold.

As I take my first few steps, I look down and notice that the ground is covered in a thin layer of crystal clear water. Picking up one foot, the water ripples underneath me but my foot is still perfectly dry. The ground is perfectly flat, with a smooth glass-like texture and a sky blue hue such that it blends in with the sky at the horizon line.

The sky is clear blue with the exception of a few fluffy white clouds that dot the sky and the bright yellow-orange sun. As I face towards the sun, I smile at the comfort of its warm glow and tilt my chin up to absorb its shining rays.

Somewhere, far off in the distance, I spot a tree. I head towards it, the water rippling beneath my feet with every step I take. As I near it, I see that it is a pear tree, with fruit so ripe that each pear glistens with water. Picking a pear from the tree and sitting in the shade, I lean my head back against its trunk and close my eyes.

With my eyes closed, I feel a light breeze sweep across the land, the water making small waves that bump into my feet. Deep breath in, deep breath out. I am completely at ease, all of my stresses and worries of the day faded away into this magical land.

I open my eyes and return to the real world. I smile once more as I feel at ease and relaxed, ready to carry on with my day.

When designing your own happy place, your imagination is your only limit. Make it as friendly, soothing, or exciting as you want it to be. Put as many flowers, bunnies, or cozy rugs and fireplaces as you want. After all, this place is just for you and you only. If perhaps you really liked my happy place, feel free to use it too as a way to destress from your day.

And with that, I would like to close by leaving you with one final question.

What is your happy place?



Jason Sze

Exploring my curiosity and passionate about self improvement and productivity