Nestor the Long Eared Christmas Donkey: The Worst Christmas Special ever.

J.T Dabbagian
12 min readDec 23, 2018

Following the success of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Rankin/Bass decided to continue on with yet another Christmas special. I don’t know for certain, but my thinking was that a lot of people bitched at Rankin/Bass about Rudolph and Frosty being too secular and consumerist for Christmas.

And so, they delivered this. I’m still not sure if Rankin/Bass crapped this out because they genuinely believed it was a good product or if they just wanted to troll the “Put the CHRIST in Christmas” members of our…



J.T Dabbagian

Paralegal by day, Anti-woo advocate and technologist by night.