Why The “Law” of Attraction is a dangerous idea

J.T Dabbagian
2 min readSep 26, 2014


I get the idea that you need to have faith and keep at something, but when that philosophy is taken to an extreme, it can be hazardous not only to your health, but your sanity as well.

The “Law” of Attraction, as I refer to it due to its dubious status as a “Universal Law” argues that Like attracts like, that like ideas/thoughts/vibrations attract similar things, and that’s why some people are just able to manifest nothing but good things while others aren’t.

Except that’s a load of bunk.

One tenet of the “Law” of Attraction is that the universe focuses on is that if you don’t get an outcome you want, or if something bad happens to you, it’s because you “resist” the idea, or that you’re not manifesting enough, or that you manifested the wrong idea.

Because apparently, the universe, sentient enough to supposedly get you that dream job or house, can’t understand the difference between “I don’t want to be in debt” and “I want to be in debt” and treats the former as meaning the latter. Yeah, because apparently if I go to a bar and say I don’t want PBR, I really want a mug of Pabst. Logical, right?

The logical end to this is a blame the victim mentality. Simply put, if a woman is beaten and raped by someone, she clearly manifested the beating and the rapist. If a person is fired from their job, they secretly wanted out (Hey LOA people, what if someone else actually manifested their firing? That ever occur to you?).

In other words, if anything bad happens to someone, it’s always their fault.

Obviously this isn’t always true, but in the eyes of LOA proponents, it is. After all, during an episode of Larry King Live, “Law” of Attraction” guru Joe Vitale was asked if Jessica Lunsford, a five-year-old girl who had been attacked in the middle of the night, raped and buried alive by her rapist, attracted her own demise. Vitale brazenly replied with this:

We are attracting everything that happens to us. There is no exception.

There you go people. According to the “Law” of Attraction, Lunsford brought her horrible act unto herself. How she possibly manifested it, only the “Source” knows.



J.T Dabbagian

Paralegal by day, Anti-woo advocate and technologist by night.