New Hollywood
American cinema has undergone numerous periods of dynamic change, from the advent of sound, to the implementation of color. With each obstacle, the industry has adapted and shifted with the changing attitudes of each generation. The language of cinema gained an important accent in the 1970's.
The `70's saw the emergence of a new American film. Behind this revolution was all the cynicism and mistrust towards authority which pervaded American culture. The 1960's upended all facets of American society; music, literature, politics, sex and race all experienced drastic change during the decade. American cinema adapted and reflected these changes in it’s own time. The studio system of the Golden Era of Hollywood was in it’s twilight. Even though many of the symbols of the old vanguard were still leaving, there was still a reluctance to take risks, or embrace the changing values of society.
American cinema in the 70’s had it’s roots in the ashes of Italy after World War II. New Hollywood was a combination of the cynicism of post-modern society with the sweeping romanticism of Pre-Cold War Hollywood. Both past and present became the source of inspiration for driving forward Hollywood’s future.
Italian Neo-Realism
It’s 1945 and Europe has been devastated by war. The entire continent is basically one big block of rubble. This environment influenced a bleak, realistic and gritty type of…