JT Foxx Scam Review and Deal Haters

JT Foxx Scam
3 min readApr 22, 2019


How would you feel if someone wrote to you, and called you slimy and manipulative, and told you to “go take a 10-hour bath and wash your mouth out with soap!”?

It doesn’t feel great, that’s for sure (ask me how I know).

But that’s exactly the kind of vitriol that can get thrown at you if you put yourself out there, particularly if you publish content online.

JT Foxx Scam review and thinking of us

Dollars and growth follow interest. The more interest you will get, the more haters will come. Regretfully, also JT is dealing with haters calling him a JT Foxx scam and JT Foxx rip-off. When talking to thousands of people all over the globe, there will often be a couple of people out to spoil it for anyone else. Even more than 75% of the negative JT Foxx reviews are false and made up by men and women who are out to ruin JT. the majority of people exploring for reviews want to guarantee themselves there is nothing negative. When they observe JT Foxx scam posts, this is a verification of their uncertainties. Overlooking all the JT Foxx reviews (LINK) and success stories (LINK) of profitable entrepreneurs. JT focused on this scam allegations on his blog

Let’s know more

It doesn’t matter if you’re an innocent 7-year-old posting gaming videos on YouTube, or a grandmother sharing family recipes on Food.com.

When you go public, you’re going to attract haters, critics, and trolls.

“The haters gonna hate,” Taylor Swift belts out, but is it enough to just “shake it off”?

Depending on the source, the message, and where the verbal attacks happen, there are different ways of dealing with them.

JT Foxx Scam review and thinking

1. Ignore

Sometimes a troll is just not worth a moment of your time.

If they’re hiding behind anonymity, their message is hateful and profane, and they’re obviously just trying to stir up controversy, then the best response is… none.

Just ignore them.

“All a troll wants is you to turn the spotlight onto them,” confessed Paul Jun, a former troll. “They will use anything and everything to get it.”

His advice? “Never feed a troll.”
2. Engage

Sometimes negative comments don’t come from haters and trolls, but from critics. They’re credible sources, mentors, or even customers.

Although their words may hurt you, they are not motivated by hate. They’re pointing out inaccuracies, offensiveness, or sources of confusion in your content, because they want you to do better.

In this case, the best course of action is to engage with them.

If you made a mistake, then correct it. If you said something confusing, then clarify. If you offended somebody, intentionally or not, then apologize.

The best way to do this is to:

Validate their efforts. Appreciate the effort and time they took to reach out to you, and make them feel that you’re listening.
Assume positive intent. Recognize that they’re coming from a place of wanting to help you.
Pivot to your core message. After you’ve addressed their concern, go back to your key message (e.g., how much you value the relationship).

3. Counter-attack

Sometimes haters need to have a dose of their own medicine.

If somebody is spreading defamatory lies about you or your company, for example, then it’s time to take a more aggressive stance yourself and go into a crisis-management approach.

Do remember that haters have plenty of time on their hands, so be very careful when feeding the trolls and looking for a fight.
4. Escalate

Online hatred sometimes degenerates into criminal activity. This includes scamming, hacking, identity theft, harassment, hate groups, SWATing (making false reports to the police to put other people in danger) , and non-consensual intimate images.

This is the time to get help from the authorities. Alert the website admin or community manager of the site.

And document everything: names, usernames, email addresses, and messages. Take screenshots before accounts are taken down or posts are deleted.

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