Salesforce : Einstein for Developers — VS Code extension

Einstein for Developers

Joseph Thomas
4 min readSep 15, 2023

Beta version of a VS Code extension called ‘Einstein for Developers’ has been published. If you regularly use VS Code for Apex Class development, this may be something you want to try out. The extension provides the ability to generate code automatically based on questions/requests posted in plain English.

In this story, I’ll discuss how to quickly set it up.

Step 1:

Go to your Salesforce development environment and enable ‘Einstein for Developers’. This might be surprising for some of you, as it was for me. The extension needs to be installed on VS Code — so my immediate thought was, what does it have to do with the Salesforce environment?

But it quickly made sense when I realised that the VS Code extension doesn’t work in isolation, but instead, when it wants to generate code, it actually connects to your Authorized Org and does the code generation there. Makes sense.

Go to Setup -> Search for ‘Einstein for Developers’ -> Enable it. You may need to have ‘System Administrator’ profile on the environment to do this.

