Slow To Fast: Boost Your Metabolism and Thrive

J. Thomas
5 min readSep 1, 2024


Slices of citrus. Credit: Freestocks
Slices of citrus. Credit: Freestocks

You’ve put in the work — hours at the gym, miles on the treadmill — and still those pounds just won’t budge. Terrible, right? You’re doing the right things! You’re eating reasonably well and exercising dutifully. So why is your bikini still a no go?

Here’s the thing — it might be your metabolism! Your metabolism is a lot like your car’s engine — it burns calories to keep you ticking along. If the engine is working well, you can eat all the things and never have to worry about gaining weight. But when your metabolism is bogged down, whoops — just one cookie can lead to weight gain!

So, how do you get all systems go? Let’s dive in.

The Silent Saboteur

Most people believe that their metabolism is set, like your eye colour or height. But it’s actually highly flexible. It can zoom and slow down at a moment’s notice, depending on a variety of factors ranging from your age and sex to your muscle composition and what you choose to put in your mouth. But guess what? These factors aren’t set in stone! Here’s how to hack away at each one.

I’m sure you’ve heard a million metabolism myths. Starve yourself and you’ll speed things up. Carbs are the enemy. Newsflash: many of these ideas actually slow you down.

So, what really works?

Build Muscle Muscle = more mojo

The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. Strength training is your best friend here. Why? Well, as we all know, muscle tissue demands more energy than fat to maintain itself. More muscle equals a faster metabolism.

Fuel Your Fire

Skipping meals? Anyone who thinks that will find that their brain isn’t getting the energy it needs to keep us sharp. It also sends your metabolism into starvation mode, causing it to slow waaaaay down. Your body buckles down into survival mode and hoards fat for dear life. So aim for tiny, frequent meals that keep your engine humming along.

What does ‘tiny, frequent’ really mean? Three to four meals and one to two snacks per day stave off those famished five-minute runs to the vending machine. What should you pack? Protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs. Protein keeps you full and replenishes your muscles (assuming you’re working out). Healthy fats help build hormones, which keep your metabolism humming. And complex carbs won’t spike your blood sugar then plummet.

Try this portable and inexpensive tool for a metabolism boost!

Catch 40 Winks

All those ‘look great naked’ ads are right: your body repairs itself at night. When you’re deprived of sleep, your hormones get sloppy. This can translate into weight gain, among other things. Aim for seven to nine hours nightly.

What do ‘repairs’ really mean? While you sleep, your body releases hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism. Lose sleep, you lose control of both. No bueno. What can you do? To repair your metabolism, create a relaxing bedtime ritual, darken your bedroom, cool it down and cut out the electronics.

Stay Hydrated

Water = life. Seriously. Deprive yourself, and your metabolism will slow to a lethargic snail. Stay hydrated and your risk of heart disease and lifespan plunge accordingly. Drink up, girlfriend!

How much water are we talking here? The standard recommendation is eight glasses of eight-ounce water per day. But this includes from all sources. We get a lot of the water we need from coffee, juice, and even the food we eat. While it’s hard to measure going in, we can get a measure (see below).

Keep in mind that what we need varies per person… Are you a hard trainer on a steamy day doing hot yoga at 2pm? If so, you’re probably in need of two or three more glasses of H2O. Are you in Bikram? In that case, you’re going to want to down some electrolytes, too.

How can you tell if you’re hydrated? Check your pee: it should be colorless to light yellow. Medium yellow or even amber pee? Sorry, but your body isn’t getting what it needs.

This is a great way to remember to get your sips in through the day

Manage Your Stress

Stress = bad news when it comes to metabolism. That mouth of yours goes from happy and healthy to sleek and sallow, and your body goes into chemical warp mode. To manage, find ways to reduce tension. Take a hike, get a massage, do meditation or a leisurely stroll in the park with the family. Whatever floats your boat.

What is stress really doing to your metabolism? When you’re stressed, your body floods with cortisol, a hormone that encourages your body to store fat around your midsection.

Watch Your Portions

I’m not talking about elimination or privation. If you want to eat a bit of everything, go ahead and do so — just eat sensibly. Three meals and a snack at a minimum though. For better or worse, everything you put in your mouth travels right to your bloodstream. What can you do? Take smaller bites, chew more thoroughly to give your body enough time to signal your brain that you’re full.

Spice It Up!

A big portion of our world is dominated by Central and Southern American chili peppers. They can give your metabolism the kick start it needs. Go forth and spice it up! What spices boost your metabolism, and why? Chili pepper, ginger, turmeric and cinnamon all send your metabolism zooming as they signal stimulation in the body.

Eliminate Processed Food

This stuff usually gloms onto your waistline due to excess fat, sugar, and salt. It might taste good, but it works against your metabolism. How can you curb your intake of processed drivel? Read your food labels, cook more at home, and focus your meals around whole foods instead of packaged munchies. And give your body time to wait out that itch for more…

Consistency Is Key

There’s no magic pill. Zipping your metabolism into fast lane mode takes time. Be patient. Small changes over a long time can make a huge difference. Celebrate your small wins as they happen.

And remember — everyone is different. What works for one won’t work for all. If your metabolism slows to a crawl, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian advisor. This stuff matters and you’re worth it. You can do it!

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J. Thomas
J. Thomas

Written by J. Thomas

Longtime advocate for personal health and wellness, a good diet, a comfortable level of physical fitness, and thriving in the 21st century.

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