Scala 3 Odyssey: Key Insights and Highlights

Antonel Ernest Pazargic
2 min readJun 11, 2024


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In this summary, I compile the key insights and highlights from my recent series on the Scala programming language and its ecosystem.

  • First article is a gentle introduction to Scala Programming Language, what it is, who invented it, why it is so popular and a bit about the community around it.
  • Next, part two is about the Scala Toolchain, what it is compound of, how it is structured, and how it can be used to build Scala applications.
  • In part three, I dive into Scala CLI, a powerful tool that allows you to compile and run Scala code directly from the command line.
    I explore its essential features and its companion, the REPL — Ammonite.
  • Part four is about SBT (the Scala Build Tool) and Visual Studio Code, which, together with Metals, provide a solid development environment for Scala that every Scala developer should know about.
  • Part five covers software architecture, domain modeling and scala constructs helping with domain model’s definition.

Stay tuned for more articles about Scala 3 programming language and its ecosystem.
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And, of course, any thoughts, suggestions or corrections are welcome. Don’t hesitate to share them in the comments section.

Happy coding with Scala 3! 🚀🚀🚀

