Ayo Junick
2 min readMar 12, 2023

Meaning pain on heel

Physical discomfort on the back or the underside of the heel that may make walking uncomfortable or difficult.
Heel pain can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include poorly fitting shoes, wearing high heeled shoes, prolonged period on feet, overuse such as long walks or marathons, sprains, strains.

Pain in Heels

Some time past I noticed a lady who was finding discomfort walking due to fitting her big feet in an unsize heel.

We're not going this way though, but I want us to look at this word to our daily lives.

What have you been fitting your self in that has been causing you so much pain.
You may have been putting through this, maybe because
1. You are in love with the position (shoe)
2. There's a reason you're in the position ( wearing the heel/shoe)

There's no peace associated with pain, anything that causes you pain won't be giving you peace.


Pain in Heels

Your favourite places might not be your place of preparation or breakthrough, you can’t find rest in a place filled with sorrows and pains.

Looking at a place which death and murder occur often, there will be an unrest all over the place, and there will be no peace because there is pain.

A place of war is a place of pain and sorrow.

Why are you struggling to fit in to a situation that doesn't give you peace, a place that causes you pain.

People are doing it doesn't mean you will find peace in it.

Put down the heel of pain and find peace.

Comfort comes to those who are not ready to associate with pain.

And pain comes to who's struggling to fit into an unfit space.

Find Peace

Ayo Junick

Ayo Junick

Graphic Designer, UI/UX Designer Intermediate, CEO PanDev, Open for Networking and Improvement