From Bean to Byte: Embarking on a Data-Driven Coffee Journey

Jason Touleyrou
2 min readApr 1, 2024


Introduction: Brewing a Blend of Data and Espresso

In the quiet hours of the morning, amidst the rhythmic sounds of grinding beans and the gentle hiss of an espresso machine, I find my daily ritual. It's a moment of peace, a time for reflection, and recently, the birthplace of an ambitious project that marries my love for coffee with my expertise in data engineering.

The Spark: Beyond the Usual Grind

My professional journey through the realms of Snowflake, DBT, and HackerRank challenges has been rewarding, yet something was missing—a project that resonated with the everyday. That's when it struck me: my morning coffee routine wasn't just a routine; it was data waiting to be explored.

The Proof of Concept: A Simple Form with Big Dreams

I started small, with a straightforward goal: track and analyze my espresso brewing to perfection. The first step was creating a form, a digital logbook for my coffee escapades. You can see this initial effort here. While modest, this form represents the cornerstone of what I envision as a much larger endeavor.

Expanding the Vision: Brewing a Bigger Picture

Inspired by the likes of, I'm not just looking to create another coffee log. I envision a platform—a community where every coffee lover can dive deep into their brewing data. I'm considering a dedicated .coffee domain to host this future hub of coffee science and artistry.

Stretching My Learning: From Web to Mobile

Beyond a custom website, I’m also plotting the development of an Android app to offer users a seamless way to log and analyze their coffee experiences on the go. This step into mobile development is not just a new challenge but an opportunity to broaden the project's impact.

Open Source Journey: Collaborate and Brew

This project isn’t just my personal quest; it’s an open invitation to the community. Through my GitHub repository, I’ve been documenting the journey, sharing the trials, triumphs, and everything in between. It’s a space for collaboration, feedback, and collective innovation.

The Road Ahead: A Journey Shared

What began as a simple desire to quantify my coffee experience has evolved into a project at the intersection of technology and passion. This series on Medium is more than just a project log; it's a narrative of learning, growth, and community.

As we move forward, I'll dive deeper into the technical challenges, the solutions explored, and the lessons learned. From the intricacies of GCP to the explorations in Terraform, from initial form creation to the envisioning of a comprehensive coffee tracking ecosystem, every step of this journey is a step towards understanding the transformative power of data.

Stay tuned as we continue to brew insights, one cup at a time.



Jason Touleyrou

I write about data, engineering, leadership and I'll very transparently say I use AI to do it.