Using Coq in Docker: The Basics

JT Paasch
2 min readDec 1, 2017


Getting started with Coq can be straightforward, using docker.


Put it in a docker container. Save this Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt update; apt install -y coq

Then build it:

docker build --tag coq .

Installing the Latest Coq

The above instructions may give you a Coq version that is a little old.

To get the latest version, use opam (inside a container).

Instead of the above Dockerfile, use this one:

FROM ocaml/opam:alpine
RUN sudo apk add m4; opam install --yes coq
RUN sudo mkdir -p /workspace
WORKDIR /workspace
ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "config", "exec", "--"]

Build it:

docker build --tag coq .

This can take a long time to complete.

Run the Interactive CLI

The interactive CLI executable is called coqtop. Run it:

docker run --rm -ti coq coqtop

You should see a command line prompt like this:

Coq <

To exit, type Quit. and hit enter (the final dot/period is needed because it terminates the expression):

Coq < Quit.

That should leave the interactive CLI.

Mounting Local Files

Mount your current working directory to the /workspace folder in the container:

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/workespace coq ls -la

This way, the files in your local working directory are accessible to Coq inside the container, in its /workspace folder.

Compile and Import a File

Create a file with nothing but a comment in it. Call it Sample.v:

(* This is a comment. *)

To compile that file, you normally run coqc Sample.v. To do this in the container, mount your current working directory to the /workspace, and run the same command:

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/workspace coq coqc Sample.v

That will take Sample.v and produce a compiled version, called Sample.vo.

If you look at your current working directory, you’ll see the new file:

ls -la

Now you can start the interactive CLI again (be sure to mount your local working directory):

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/workspace coq coqtop

Then load/import the compiled file by name:

Coq < Require Import Sample.

If all works fine, you should see no errors.

