Top 10 clinics in Dubai for a Diabetes Checkup

JTS Medical Centre
6 min readJan 10, 2024


Top 10 clinics in Dubai for a Diabetes Checkup


Regular diabetes checkups are vital for effectively managing the condition and maintaining optimal health. With the abundance of Diabetes clinics in Dubai that offer diabetes checkup services, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, we will explore the best clinics in Dubai for a diabetes checkup, providing you with valuable information to make an informed decision.

Managing diabetes requires consistent monitoring and proactive care. Regular checkups allow healthcare professionals to assess your overall health, track changes in blood sugar levels, and detect any potential complications at an early stage. These checkups provide an opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask questions, and receive personalized advice on managing your condition.

Dubai is home to numerous clinics that specialize in diabetes care, each offering unique services and expertise. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which clinic is the best fit for your needs. That’s where we come in — we have researched and curated a list of the top 10 clinics in Dubai for a diabetes checkup.

In the following sections, we will delve into each clinic’s overview, services offered for diabetes checkups, and the expertise of their healthcare professionals. By exploring these details, you can gain insights into the quality of care provided by each clinic and make an informed decision about where to schedule your diabetes checkup.

So let’s begin our exploration of the best clinics in Dubai for a diabetes checkup!

Best Clinics in Dubai for a Diabetes Checkup

  • Clinic #1: JTS Diabetes & Internal Medicine Clinic

Overview of the clinic: JTS is a renowned medical centre in Dubai, offering primary care physician, treating you for general illnesses as well as providing complex care. The department prioritizes empowering individuals to manage their Diabetes and its complications effectively.

Comprehensive diabetes care services: JTS Medical Centre Dubai provides a wide range of services like cover screening, diagnosis, prevention, and therapeutic care aimed at addressing the diverse needs of diabetes patients, including regular diabetes checkups, specialized treatments, and educational resources to support self-management.

  • Clinic #2: Northwest Clinic

Overview of the clinic: Northwest Clinic is renowned for its comprehensive diabetes care services in Dubai. The clinic boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly skilled healthcare professionals dedicated to providing top-notch care to diabetes patients.

Services offered for diabetes checkups: Northwest Clinic offers a wide range of services for diabetes patients, including regular checkups, advanced diagnostic tests, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring to ensure effective management of the condition. Expertise of healthcare professionals: The clinic’s healthcare professionals are experts in the field of diabetes care, with extensive experience and specialized training in managing diabetes and its related complications.

  • Clinic #3: Glucare

Overview of the clinic: Glucare stands out as a leading center for diabetes care in Dubai, known for its patient-centric approach and commitment to providing personalized treatment to each individual. The clinic prides itself on creating a supportive and compassionate environment for diabetes patients.

Specialized services for diabetes patients: Glucare offers specialized services tailored to meet the unique needs of diabetes patients. From comprehensive checkups to targeted treatment plans, the clinic focuses on empowering patients to take control of their condition and live a fulfilling life. Positive patient reviews: Glucare has garnered positive reviews from satisfied patients who have experienced exceptional care and significant improvements in their overall well-being.

  • Clinic #4: Valiant Clinic

Overview of the clinic: Valiant Clinic is equipped with advanced facilities designed to deliver top-quality diabetes care. The clinic takes a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together experts from various medical specialties to provide comprehensive support to diabetes patients.

Advanced facilities for diabetes care: Valiant Clinic’s cutting-edge infrastructure enables accurate diagnosis and effective management of diabetes. The clinic leverages modern technology and innovative treatment modalities to offer the best possible care to patients. Multidisciplinary approach to treatment: With a team of specialists working collaboratively, Valiant Clinic ensures that every aspect of a patient’s health is taken into consideration when formulating a personalized treatment plan.

  • Clinic #5: Dr. Fatma Endocrine Center

Overview of the clinic: Dr. Fatma Endocrine Center is a distinguished establishment specializing in endocrinology and diabetes care. The center is known for its holistic approach to treating individuals with endocrine disorders, including diabetes. Specialization in endocrinology and diabetes care: The clinic’s focus on endocrine disorders allows for in-depth expertise in managing complex cases of diabetes. Patients benefit from tailored interventions that address their specific needs and contribute to better health outcomes.

Personalized treatment plans: Dr. Fatma Endocrine Centre emphasizes personalized care, recognizing that each patient’s journey with diabetes is unique. As such, the center designs individualized treatment plans that align with the patient’s lifestyle and health goals.

  • Clinic #6: Weight Care Clinic

Overview of the clinic: Weight Care Clinic integrates weight management with comprehensive support for individuals living with diabetes. The clinic recognizes the close relationship between weight and diabetes control and provides holistic solutions that address both aspects effectively.

Focus on weight management and diabetes control: By addressing weight management alongside diabetes care, Weight Care Clinic offers a well-rounded approach that supports overall health improvement. Patients receive guidance on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications tailored to their unique needs. Holistic approach to healthcare: The clinic’s holistic approach extends beyond traditional medical interventions, encompassing various aspects of wellness that contribute to better management of both weight and diabetes.

  • Clinic #7: Apple Clinic UAE

Overview of the clinic: Apple Clinic UAE places a strong emphasis on preventive care through comprehensive screening services for individuals at risk of developing or already living with diabetes. The clinic focuses on early detection and intervention strategies.

Comprehensive diabetes screening services: Apple Clinic UAE offers an array of screening tests aimed at identifying potential risk factors or early signs of diabetes. This proactive approach enables timely interventions that can prevent or delay the onset of the condition. Emphasis on preventive care: By prioritizing preventive measures, Apple Clinic UAE empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards maintaining their health and reducing their risk of developing complications associated with unmanaged diabetes.

  • Clinic #8: AH Dubai (American Hospital Dubai)

Overview of the clinic: American Hospital Dubai is renowned for its adherence to international healthcare standards and its commitment to delivering exceptional medical services. The hospital’s Diabetes Center is dedicated to providing world-class care for individuals living with all forms of diabetes.

State-of-the-art facilities for diagnosis and management: American Hospital Dubai houses cutting-edge facilities equipped with the latest technology for accurate diagnosis and effective management of diabetes. The center’s infrastructure facilitates comprehensive care and support for diabetes patients. Internationally recognized healthcare standards: With a focus on upholding international standards of care, American Hospital Dubai ensures that patients receive the highest quality of treatment while benefiting from the expertise of globally renowned healthcare professionals.

  • Clinic #9: Boston Diabetes and Endocrine Centre

Overview of the clinic: Boston Diabetes and Endocrine Centre is dedicated to providing specialized care for individuals with diabetes and endocrine disorders. The centre is equipped with advanced technology and a team of experts who are committed to delivering exceptional treatment outcomes.


To prioritize your health and effectively manage diabetes, it’s important to take action. Here are two key steps you can take:

Schedule a diabetes checkup: Visit one of the top diabetes clinics in Dubai mentioned in this article to get a thorough evaluation of your condition and personalized guidance on managing it.

Make lifestyle changes and follow healthcare advice: While regular checkups are crucial, it’s equally important to make positive changes in your daily habits like eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, managing stress, and taking medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Remember, small steps can make a big difference in your journey towards better health!



JTS Medical Centre

JTS (Jumeirah Terrace Speciality) Medical Centre is Dubai’s #1 multi-specialty Medical Centre located in Jumeirah, Dubai.