Hello! My name is Juan and I'm a Mexican biologist specialized in conservation and natural resource management.

I'm passionate about the natural world. Here, you will find informative stories about Ecology, Conservation Biology, Ecosystems, Sustainability, Ethnobiology, Evolution, and Biodiversity.

I aspiring to become into a science communicator, however, for now, I mainly write as a hobby.

My objetive with Medium is to improve my writing and earn enough money to buy my coffee so I can bring you more stories.

Image taken from the television series "The Simpsons", season 9, episode 8 "Lisa the Skeptic" with the special appearance by Stephen Jay Gould.

If you like my work, here are three ways to support me:

1. Follow me and subscribe: https://medium.com/subscribe/@juan.ag.san.9

2. Become a Medium member through my referral link and I’ll earn a small commission: https://medium.com/@juan.ag.san.92/membership

3. Leave a comment: I would like to know more about Medium's community! Feel free to give me some feedback. I check Medium every week, so, I'll probably reply after a couple of hours.

I hope we can read each other!

Email: juan.ag.san.92@gmail.com

Illustration of an Anomalocaris by M. Tetsuya Nakamura G. ©

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Precambrian Tales

Precambrian Tales

Hello! I write stories about science communication, conservation biology, biodiversity, evolution and sustainability.