6 Local SEO strategies That Will Edge Out Your Competition In 2019

Juan Pablo Diaz Diaz
4 min readJan 13, 2019


Original article: 6 Local SEO Strategies In 2019 — SEO and SMM Consultant in Tokyo

Local SEO in 2019: in today’s competitive business atmosphere, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become an integral element in the growth and success of many enterprises. Digital is the name of the game, and companies are investing significant sums of money and time into local digital marketing so that they can edge out their competition.

A company will start with setting its foundations based on a dependency on a single geographical region, from which it will catapult itself to have a global outreach. That is the smart strategy to take when thinking of having a robust online presence for your company — start locally to gain a global outreach. And that is why local SEO is necessary.

Having a robust business strategy for 2019, that’s up and running with notable ROI is essential. But it will not be as effective as it should without adequate SEO based on local keywords and other elements that help drive up the local search ranking up while also drawing in more customers. Edging out your competition is all about outranking them, and the following local SEO strategies will be a top feature in any effective digital marketing and optimization campaign for 2019.

Get Listed Locally

First off, being online demands that you work on ways of increasing your visibility so that you ensure that you are putting yourself in front of your current and new customers. Of the many tactics employed in optimizing your online profile, business listings on directories have gain popularity when it comes to local SEO.

With hundreds of directories available, it to your company’s advantage if you try to have it in as many directories as possible. It will improve the odds of potential customers finding your business over your competition. But avoid duplicate listings because it will work against your objective. To do this, create a master director listing from which to manage all the other listings you have for your company.

Aside from the many directories out there that you can leverage to enhance your local visibility online, you should make use of Google My Business listing. It is a process, but one that’s well worth the effort once Google verifies your listing. Since Google is the most prominent search engine, then using its listing will only further your local optimization efforts.

Contact Info Consistency

Consistency is an essential element in doing search engine optimization. Your business contact information should be the same across all listings. Ensuring such uniformity helps in building your brand. Ensure the information includes your name and that of your company, address, email, and phone number. Also, your brand message should be consistent, and that goes even for the company logo. If the information is the same, accurate, and current, it helps further your local SEO efforts and pushes up your ranking on SERPs (search engine results pages).

Use Organic Localized Keywords

Google gives top preference to localized searches and thus using local keywords in your content will help you get found. Create different content — articles, blogs, news, events, videos, photos and offers, then share them online. The keywords should be in the content you churn out and ensure that the material is of high quality, offering relevant, exciting and valuable information. Google gives better rankings for websites that have such content than those that do not have such material. Research the keywords to find what the locals use when searching for the type of products or services you are offering.

Optimize Your Website For Mobile

Google has been keen on favoring mobile-friendly sites, raking them higher than others that are not optimized for mobile use. Moreover, the websites that load fast on mobile-based browsers have a better position on SERPS than the slower loading sites.

Therefore, having quality content optimized with local keywords will not do much if the website and pages are not optimized for mobile viewing. With a significant number of internet users accessing the internet using their mobile devices, this is something that cannot be overstated when it comes to doing local SEO in 2019.

Get Backlinks From Authoritative Sites

Invest in getting as many value-adding backlinks are possible; these are links posted on other local websites that point to yours. Consider having these links on authority sites with high-quality, relevant content.

Most importantly, the best approach for this is to be organic as opposed to getting forced backlinks. Let quality be to a paramount element in your backlink building efforts so that you are confident your content will be shared on platforms or websites that will help increase your online visibility locally.

Optimize For Voice Search

Voice search will wind up this list of local SEO strategies that will be a top feature in digital marketing and optimization for 2019. With the paces at which technology is evolving, innovations that necessitate a change in how SEO is done are expected.

Today, most mobile devices have voice activated functionalities, and this has not gone unnoticed by Google leading to the introduction of voice searches. Many people have embraced this new way of doing online searches, and that number grows with every passing day. So, part of your efforts to use organic, localized keywords should be supplemented with the use of more voice-friendly keywords. In short, natural speaking patterns should be in use complementing the textual terms of the keywords you use in your content.

Hope this makes things a bit more clear on how to improve your local SEO rankings in 2019.

Also for more common SEO tips, have a look at SEO trends for 2019 or 4 Social Media Marketing trends for 2019.

If you still struggle and need help with your SEO marketing or social media marketing strategies, you can contact me, and I will deliver you a free quote.

See you soon for new marketing tips!

Juan Pablo



Juan Pablo Diaz Diaz

Digital marketing consultant for Krows Digital based in Tokyo. Specialized in SEO, Social Media Marketing & Online Advertising.