The Benefits of Video Marketing

Juan Pablo Diaz Diaz
11 min readJun 28, 2019

Source: Krows Digital Agency

Along with the entertainment aspect, an increasing number of marketers are focusing their efforts on video marketing strategies due to all of the benefits they provide. Think about this from your own perspective for just a second. To learn more about a new product would you rather watch a short video or read a long page that is full of text? Would you prefer to read about all of the different steps involved in a company’s sales process or have each step associated with a helpful visual aid by watching an animated video? If you are like 80 percent of people, you would prefer watching a video.

Dollar Shave Club made their brand worldwide famous with just one powerful video!

The following are some other important benefits that video marketing provides:

1. Increased Brand Awareness

Recognition and brand awareness means that your company will be top-of-mind whenever a consumer is looking for a solution to a problem they have. However, keep in mind, that although you want your brand to be remembered and recognized easily, you also need to ensure that the name of your company is associated with experiences that are positive.



Juan Pablo Diaz Diaz

Digital marketing consultant for Krows Digital based in Tokyo. Specialized in SEO, Social Media Marketing & Online Advertising.