Juan Andrés Frank
1 min readJan 25, 2017


With my poor English (I’m from Argentina and don’y manage the language very well), I think that theories about populism are very helpful to understand the political battle. I recommend “On the political” of Chantal Mouffe to understand passions in politics in a democratic way. Passions, marchs, social movements, can explain the ways that the working people has to tell institutions that they’re not doing its jobs. Democracy, says Mouffe, is antagonism, because you can’t get along with banks that dislodge people and that people evicted from their houses, or with toxic companies and environmentalists. So, we must build a message that demonize the top 1%, because they didn’t make his money from innovation, creativity, hard efforts, most of them were with agreements with states all over the world, with speculative investments. And that message has to destroy the link between entrepreneurship, private initiative of the middle class, and this 1%.



Juan Andrés Frank

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