Facts speak for themselves



The boy,
walking his father’s goats back home,
was frantic.
The most stubborn of the goats
went astray.
His father left him
with precise instructions.
Bring all our goats home.
I shall sell them
in a public auction tomorrow.
The sale will pay
for your sister’s tuition fees.

The boy, fearing his father’s anger,
begged for the goat to come back.
He whistled; he called.
But the goat
cannot be persuaded
to return to the herd.

Now, furious, he picked a rock
and aimed for the goat.
The rock struck the goat’s eye.
The goat screamed in pain.

Alarmed at what he had done,
the boy begged the goat
not to tell his father.

The goat replied.
“Your father would know
what happened
even when I don’t
say a word.
My wounded eye
will speak for itself.”



Juan Apolinario C. Reyes, MS

Winner Society of Filipino Authors 2023 Book of the Year. Textbook writer, radio host, producer math and science video tutorials, runner, open-water swimmet