Chapter 2: Pizza — Mindtwister: Is It A Date?

A Short Fiction Story

nanajuana writes Fiction



It’s friday night and he’s come over to share a large stack of documents and help to interpret them for me. I can’t keep them, that would cause a huge investigation, more than make him lose his job, if it was found out he’d end up in jail. But I can look over them, memorise anything important and he can take them back later.

We’ve spent most of the evening on the lounge with me reading through the documents, asking the occasional question and him playing on his phone, (after I’d given him the wifi password, cell phones don’t work too well in my lair, the thick metal walls interrupt the signals.) When I start getting hungry I ask him what pizza he likes and order some for us.

As we sit back and eat, it’s our first chance to talk about something other than the secret documents.

“The outside of this place looks so sharp and imposing, but it’s actually quite comfortable in here.” He says.

“Surprisingly, like most other people, I like being comfortable.” I say with a smile.



nanajuana writes Fiction

Mostly a reader, also A place for my short fiction, as well as completing prompts and writing practice.