Chapter 4: Introductions — Mindtwister: Is It A Date?

A Short Fiction Story

nanajuana writes Fiction
4 min readJun 15, 2023


Bob smiles at me “You can’t wear a helmet to a wedding” He says, reaching his hands out to slip it off my head.

I pull back instinctually making sure that he can’t take it. Then I internally chastise myself for doing so.

I can’t let him know my weakness, I know that he just shared his with me, but that was dumb, and I’m not doing it.

That means that I’m going to have to go into this wedding without a helmet on. I can feel the panic start to kick in, I push it back. I close my eyes, ‘come on, you can do this’ I tell myself ‘ It’s just like Mr Mcgovern’s english classes — they were torture — but you got through them, right? Yes, I did, I can do this.’ I breathe out slowly, open my eyes and give Bob a little nod, he can take it.

I try to push the thought that he must have seen my giant hesitation, that he must have worked it out already, out of my mind. Helmet hair. He uses his fingers to brush my hair back. “Perfect” he says and I can feel his smile.

As we walk towards the wedding I focus heavily on me, on my body, on my thoughts, I need to, to make sure I don’t lose myself. I avoid making eye contact with anyone we pass as much as possible, it…



nanajuana writes Fiction

Mostly a reader, also A place for my short fiction, as well as completing prompts and writing practice.