Chapter 5: Blind Spots — Mindtwister: Is It A Date?

A Short Fiction Story

nanajuana writes Fiction
5 min readJun 22, 2023

Blind Spots

Bob leads us to seats along the far edge.

I sit down and stare at the back of the seat in front of me. I try to focus on my own mind and my own body. I try not to stand out, but it’s hard to look normal when I keep picking up on thoughts from all around me, and there are so many people around me.

I have trouble keeping them straight. They all blur into each other and talk over the top of each other.

I try to remember what I used to do in Mr Mcgovern’s class, when he wouldn’t let me wear my hat. I certainly never learnt anything, I used to try to work out whose thoughts were who’s, knowing who’s mind I was in seemed to help me remember that it wasn’t mine. And working out which was which was a decent challenge that kept me occupied.

Most people think in a mix of forms, feelings, pictures, words, raw concepts, memories smashing together, observations of their surroundings. But it varies a lot, some people only use one type, some people have trends, a way their thoughts lean, a kind of blueprint that distinguishes them.

Then there are the kinds of things they focus on, it could be a glass-half-full type of thing, or noticing all car brands, or what, if…



nanajuana writes Fiction

Mostly a reader, also A place for my short fiction, as well as completing prompts and writing practice.