Chapter 6: Why Am I Here? — Mindtwister: Is It A Date?

A Short Fiction Story

nanajuana writes Fiction
6 min readJun 29, 2023

Why Am I Here?

I let my mind drift into the minds around me. I’m curious now and I want to know the thoughts of the woman in the yellow dress. A weird title I know, since she has a real name and she’s not even wearing a yellow dress today. But I had such a powerful introduction to her in that dress that that is what I am calling her for now.

When I enter someone’s mind, I try to look around first, to see if they are in or near the section she is sitting in. I get a lot of intense excitement and joy from those with the best view of the bride and groom. But I’m looking for someone further back.

I get a bored man in the back row, walking himself through the steps of cleaning up after we are all gone./ A child who can’t remember the groom’s name but is extremely excited to witness a wedding./ more larp strategy, intercepted by ‘pay attention!!!! This is her big day’, then a view of the lucky couple that slowly fades to more larp strategy./ Bob, can it be, it can’t be. A view of the back of my head with a focus on the quarter of the back of Bob’s head that isn’t blocked by the crowd.

That’s it! That’s the one I was looking for, that’s the woman in the yellow dress’s thoughts. I try to pick out her patterns or…



nanajuana writes Fiction

Mostly a reader, also A place for my short fiction, as well as completing prompts and writing practice.