Climbing Out

A Short Fiction — Choose your own adventure story

nanajuana writes Fiction
3 min readMay 30, 2024

This is a choose your own adventure story. If you haven’t read any other parts start with part 1 here.

I dig my hands into the snow struggling to find purchase as it spills down beneath me like sand.

Photo by Maël BALLAND from Pexels:

Despite deciding to ‘climb out’ the first few meters are more of a dig.

It is possible to ‘dig up’. people always say ‘dig up’ as a joke, but I found out that I could indeed ‘dig up’ by pulling the snow down and then standing on it. Up at a bit of an angle.

After about three meters of snow is below me instead of above I get to a more solid section. I am still able to shove my hand into it, but it is solid enough that it doesn't fall down below me. I can pull myself up with it.

So that is what I do.

I punch the wall, pull up, then kick a foot-hold into the wall and stand up on it.

Eventually I get into a rhythm of kicking holes into the wall and standing up on them.

I toy with the idea of not punching hand holds and just using my feet, but one of my feet slips, and I narrowly manage to hold on, glancing down below me as I do.

It’s a long way.



nanajuana writes Fiction

Mostly a reader, also A place for my short fiction, as well as completing prompts and writing practice.