Waiting For Jordan

A Short Fiction — Choose your own adventure story

nanajuana writes Fiction
3 min readMay 30, 2024

This is a choose your own adventure story. If you haven't read any other parts start with part 1 here.

I sat down on the ancient stone pavement and stared up into the blue icy snow above me.

Photo by Teju from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-toned-photo-of-ice-formations-14107741/

Every ten minutes or so I called out to Jordan, but I couldn’t hear anything.

As time went on I got more and more worried that I couldn’t hear anything.

I watched the water drip off a small stalagmite that had formed off the ancient archway. Drip, drip, drip. The passage of time was hard to measure. But the drips were constant.

600 drips and I’d call “Jordan” I’d listen intently, hoping to hear something, a rustle of leaves from outside. a foot crunching on crusty ice above, heck even a chaotic mini avalanche caused by Jordan falling down here with me. But there was nothing to hear other than the drip, drip, drip.

Eventually, after I’m not sure how many cycles 600 drips, I noticed that the light shining through the ice was getting more and more dim.

Was someone standing near the hole, casting a shadow over it? or was it sunset? I yelled out again, and got no reply. (unless you count the drip.)



nanajuana writes Fiction

Mostly a reader, also A place for my short fiction, as well as completing prompts and writing practice.