UAN, IOP & Libertaria, An University Community in the Blockchain

Juan Manuel Cancino Pérez
3 min readFeb 25, 2018


In Mexico, university education is granted mainly by public higher education institutions, which are financed with resources from the government of the republic or state governments. According to data from the OECD in Mexico only 17% of young people reach a university education, which negatively affects the development of our country to have a social and economic impact on the population.

Approximately 30% of the university enrollment is in Private Universities, while public Universities do not have the capacity to serve all young people who graduate from high school education, also presenting several of them serious economic problems to ensure their operation.

The Autonomous University of Nayarit (UAN), like other state universities, is facing a severe economic crisis that has different causes; After knowing the causes and working to solve the problems of origin, it is necessary to establish strategies to face the present problem and guarantee a successful future.

Do marches, gather signatures, visit legislators, request resources from the government does not guarantee that the resources that the university needs to face its economic and structural crisis will arrive; so different meetings have been held with their academic and student authorities, as well as with a technical group to explore how the blockchain can help the University not only to solve its current problems, but to develop strategies that guarantee it to be a global reference in how the new university can be in a new social and economic structure.

As a result of this relationship, a formal collaboration process has been initiated where the first preliminary agreements have been reached:

The student society of the Autonomous University of Nayarit, which organizes around 30,000 students, will adopt the use of digital currencies as part of their education and their daily lives. Strategies will be established so that IoP and Hydra can be instruments of payment, savings and financing in the acquisition of goods and services, payment of scholarships, savings instruments and funding of productive projects. A culture will be developed where students from their university education participate in this new culture of decentralization.

A videoconference was also organized between Lic Ignacio Peña, Rector of the UAN and his blockchain group, and the leading team of IoP and Libertaria, where the first agreements were established to start working together in the creation of a university community based on blockchain, the first and probable axes of collaboration for this project were established:

  • Generate teaching in blockchain in the UAN, referring not only to programming issues, but also of economy, governance, social integration and every aspect related to the ecosystem.
  • Generate a university token as implementation of a hydra sidechain, which allows establishing an ICO to fund the operation of the UAN.
  • Establish new teaching methods using blockchain technology.
  • Incorporate the developers of the UAN to the IoP Ventures programming team for the development of this project, which will allow them to develop high-level technical capacities and be able to apply them in local projects.
  • Develop in the blockchain strategic academic processes.
  • Develop and validate models of governance and transparency.

To continue with this work, the team of the University of Nayarit will travel the second week in april to the City of Budapest to work for 5 days on an agenda to establish strategies to develop these issues and then the team of Libertaria and IoP will be visiting Nayarit .

The possibilities that are seen in this project are very ambitious, since it could unleash a global university community and help the adoption of this technology become massive.

We will be reporting on the progress made in this project, stay tuned.

If you want to know more about the Internet of People and Libertaria projects, visit us at:



Juan Manuel Cancino Pérez

Emprendedor serial, creador de nuevos modelos de negocios con blockchain, tratando de cambiar el mundo con tecnología.