Building a RESTful API with Spring Boot: Integrating DDD and Hexagonal Architecture

Juan Negrin
24 min readMay 4, 2024



In the fast-paced world of software development, APIs have taken on a crucial role, facilitating interaction and data exchange between different systems efficiently. Among the most prominent technologies for API creation is Spring Boot, a powerful tool that simplifies the development of Java applications, allowing developers to focus on business logic rather than environment setup.

In this article, we will explore how to design and build a RESTful API using Spring Boot, but we will go beyond mere development. We will integrate advanced concepts such as Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Hexagonal Architecture, which are essential for creating robust, scalable, and easily maintainable applications. These methodologies not only improve code structure and separation of concerns but also facilitate collaboration between technical teams and stakeholders, aligning software design with business needs.

Throughout this article, we will break down these complex concepts into simple explanations and practical examples, ensuring that even beginners can follow and apply these advanced practices to their own projects. Whether you are an experienced developer looking to enhance the architecture of your applications or a newcomer to the world of Spring Boot, you will find valuable lessons and techniques in this article that are applicable to your development needs.

Let’s dive into the fascinating process of building an API that not only works well but is also well-designed from its conception to implementation.

Section 0: What is a REST API?

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and specifications that allow different applications or software components to interact with each other. It acts as an intermediary that enables developers to access specific functionalities or data from a software service without needing to know the internal details of that software.

Origins of REST APIs

The REST (Representational State Transfer) architecture was defined by Roy Fielding in his doctoral thesis in the year 2000. REST is a set of principles that outlines how interactions between clients and servers should be designed. Its creation was motivated by the need for a standard that improved the scalability of communications on the Internet, facilitating simpler and more efficient interfaces than those available at that time, such as SOAP, which were perceived as too complex and rigid.

What problem did REST aim to solve?

REST emerged as a response to the complexity of existing architectures that complicated the development and scalability of web applications. By adopting a stateless model and using standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), REST simplified the implementation of client-server interactions. This simplicity allowed developers to create more efficient and easier-to-maintain web and mobile applications.

REST is based on six fundamental principles:

  1. Uniform Interface: Ensures that the interface between the client and server is consistent and standardized.
  2. Stateless: Each client request to the server must contain all the information necessary to understand and complete the request.
  3. Cacheable: Responses must, implicitly or explicitly, define whether they are cacheable or not.
  4. Layered System: The client does not need to know if it is communicating directly with the end server or with an intermediary.
  5. Client-Server: Separation of responsibilities between the user interface (client) and data storage (server), which enhances the portability of the user interface across multiple platforms and scalability by simplifying server components.
  6. Code on Demand (optional): Servers can extend or customize the client’s functionality by sending executable code.

Incorporating these principles not only solved scalability and maintenance issues but also promoted the creation of more robust, interactive, and efficient web applications.

Now, if you’ve made it this far, you might be wondering, “What the heck is HTTP?” Well, let’s get to that.

Brief Introduction to HTTP

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the underlying protocol used in every interaction on the web, defined by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). It is the means through which data is transmitted between the browser (client) and web servers. This protocol is based on a request-response model and is essential for RESTful communication, as its methods facilitate CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) actions that are fundamental in REST APIs.

HTTP Methods and When to Use Them

HTTP methods define the action you want to perform on an identified resource. Here are the most commonly used methods in REST APIs:

  • GET: Used to retrieve information from the server. It should not modify the state of the resource, making it ideal for read operations without side effects. Example: obtaining a list of users or details of a specific user.
  • POST: Used to create a new resource. It is useful when the result of a request creates a state change or side effects on the server. Example: adding a new user.
  • PUT: Used to update/replace an existing resource. It’s important to send the complete entity in the request. Example: updating an existing user’s name and age.
  • DELETE: Used to delete a resource. Example: deleting a user.
  • PATCH: Unlike PUT, PATCH is used for making partial updates on a resource. Example: updating just the name of a user without touching other fields.

Best Practices with HTTP Methods

When designing RESTful APIs, it’s crucial to follow some best practices to ensure that the API is easy to understand and use:

  • Proper use of methods: Ensure that each HTTP method is used according to its designated purpose. This not only aids in clarity and maintainability of the code but also makes it easier for others to understand and use your API correctly.
  • Idempotence: GET, PUT, DELETE are idempotent, meaning that making the same request multiple times will produce the same result without additional effects after the first request. POST and PATCH are not idempotent.
  • Security: Make sure to implement appropriate security measures, especially with methods that modify resources, such as POST, PUT, and DELETE. This includes authentication, authorization, and input validation to prevent attacks like SQL injection.
  • Appropriate HTTP responses: Use proper HTTP status codes to respond to requests. For example, return 200 OK for successful GET responses, 201 Created for a POST that results in resource creation, and 204 No Content for a successful DELETE.

These practices not only improve the functionality and security of the API but also facilitate its integration and use by other developers, ensuring better collaboration and long-term maintenance.

Appendix: Most Common HTTP Response Codes

Since we’ve mentioned the importance of using appropriate HTTP response codes as a best practice, here are the most common ones. This list provides a general idea of the responses this protocol can handle, although there are many other additional codes.

Informational Response Codes (100–199)

  • 100 Continue: Indicates that the initial part of the request has been received and the client should continue sending the rest of the request.

Successful Response Codes (200–299)

  • 200 OK: The request has been successful. This is the most commonly used code to indicate success.
  • 201 Created: The request has been fulfilled and as a result, a new resource has been created.
  • 204 No Content: The request has been successfully completed, but there is no content to display.

Redirection Response Codes (300–399)

  • 301 Moved Permanently: The resource of the requested URL has been changed permanently. The new URL is specified in the response.
  • 302 Found: Indicates that the requested resource is temporarily under a different URL.

Client Error Response Codes (400–499)

  • 400 Bad Request: The request could not be understood or processed by the server due to a client syntax error.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Indicates that the request requires authentication and the client has not authenticated.
  • 403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to authorize it.
  • 404 Not Found: The server could not find the requested resource.
  • 405 Method Not Allowed: The method used in the request is not allowed for the specified resource.

Server Error Response Codes (500–599)

  • 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered a situation it doesn’t know how to handle.
  • 502 Bad Gateway: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server.
  • 503 Service Unavailable: The server is not ready to handle the request, typically due to maintenance or overload.

This selection of HTTP response codes covers the most common situations developers may face when implementing RESTful APIs. Using the correct codes in responses is not just about adhering to protocol but also facilitating the correct interpretation of the situation by clients and other services interacting with your API.

Section 1: Fundamentals of Spring Boot

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is a project within the vast Spring ecosystem that simplifies the process of configuring and deploying new Spring applications. Its main goal is to minimize configuration time, enabling developers to quickly launch prototypes and production-ready applications. With Spring Boot, many of the repetitive tasks involved in application setup, such as dependency management and the configuration of embedded servers like Tomcat or Jetty, can be automated.

The main reason for using Spring Boot in creating RESTful APIs is its efficient handling of HTTP requests, its integration with Java technologies like Spring MVC, and its robust support for data through Spring Data. Additionally, Spring Boot offers extensive auto-configuration capabilities, a vast set of “starters” that simplify dependency management, and the ability to customize and extend virtually any aspect of your application with minimal effort.

Initial Setup of a Spring Boot Project Creating a Spring Boot project is straightforward thanks to tools like Spring Initializr, which offers a web interface to customize and download a base project. Here are the steps to set up your project:

  1. Visit Spring Initializr: An online tool that lets you configure project dependencies, the Java version, the build system (like Maven or Gradle), and other parameters.
  2. Choose necessary dependencies: For a REST API, select ‘Spring Web’.
  3. Generate and download your project: Once configured, you can download the project and open it in your favorite IDE.

Note: Spring Web allows you to build web applications, including RESTful applications, using Spring MVC. It uses Apache Tomcat as the default embedded container. This functionality is essential for developing high-performance and easily scalable web services, providing smooth and efficient integration with the Spring ecosystem.

Remember, you must have Maven or Gradle installed beforehand to be able to download project dependencies. I use IntelliJ as an IDE, which comes with Maven, allowing you to delegate this part to the application itself.

Creating a Simple “Hello World” as a REST API To get started with Spring Boot and familiarize yourself with its functionality, we can create a simple “Hello World” endpoint. Here’s how:

  1. Create a new package (folder) named “controllers”: Once our project is open and all dependencies are downloaded, we will create this new package.
  2. Create a new class in the controllers package: This file will handle HTTP requests.
  3. Add the following Java code:
package com.example.demo.controller;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class HelloWorldController {

public String sayHello() {
return "Hello World";

4. Run the application: You can do this from your IDE or using the command mvn spring-boot:run if you are using Maven. Access http://localhost:8080/hello from your browser or an HTTP client like Postman, and you should see the “Hello World” message.

This basic exercise not only demonstrates the ease of creating endpoints with Spring Boot but also sets the foundation for upcoming sections, where we will integrate DDD and Hexagonal Architecture.

As you can see, using Spring Boot, which essentially provides a framework that offers tools and guidelines for performing tasks efficiently with the least amount of manual configuration needed so far, really works. This approach is particularly useful when you want to focus more on business development than on the underlying infrastructure.

Next, we’ll explore a bit more about the annotations used in the code shown above, detailing what they are for and how they facilitate the creation of applications:

Explanation of Annotations in Spring Boot


The @RestController annotation is fundamental in Spring Boot for creating web services. This annotation, a specialization of @Controller, is used to mark a class as a controller where each method returns a domain object instead of a view. It indicates that the class will handle requests made to the REST API. Using @RestController, Spring automatically formats the method returns into JSON or XML, based on the configuration.


The @GetMapping annotation specifically handles GET type HTTP requests. It is used to map HTTP GET requests to specific methods in the controllers. It acts as a shorthand for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET), making the code more readable and clear, especially when defining multiple access points in a single controller.

Advantages of Annotations in Spring Boot

Annotations like @RestController and @GetMapping significantly simplify the development of RESTful APIs:

  • Reduction of Boilerplate Configuration: They minimize the need for XML or other configurations, allowing for cleaner and easier-to-understand code.
  • Declarative Development: They enable a more declarative programming style, where server behavior is declared in the classes and methods rather than being explicitly configured.
  • Ease of Maintenance and Readability: They make the code easier to maintain and read, which is crucial for teamwork and project scalability.

Incorporating these annotations not only enhances productivity but also ensures that the application is robust, scalable, and easy to integrate with other technologies and services.

Common Annotations in Spring Boot


This annotation is essential in any Spring Boot application, as it acts as a convenience declaration that groups three fundamental annotations:

  • @Configuration: Designates a class as the source of bean definitions for the application context.
  • @EnableAutoConfiguration: Instructs Spring Boot to start automatically configuring the framework based on the added project dependencies.
  • @ComponentScan: Allows Spring to scan the package where the annotated class and its subpackages are located to automatically register Spring components.


Used for automatic dependency injection, this annotation can be placed on fields, constructors, or specific methods, allowing Spring to provide the necessary bean without manual configuration.


Marks a class as a service, which is ideal for implementing business logic. Although this annotation does not alter behavior by itself, it informs Spring that the class plays a special role within the business layer, facilitating its detection during automatic scanning.


Indicates that a class manages database access, acting as a repository. Beyond encapsulating data access logic, Spring uses this annotation to translate specific persistence exceptions into its own generic, unchecked data access exception hierarchy.


A general annotation for request mapping that can be used to configure the routing of URLs to specific controller methods. It is very flexible and allows specifying the HTTP method, path, request parameters, and more.


Used in controller method mapping, this annotation binds a segment of the URL to a controller method parameter. It is very useful for capturing dynamic values directly from the path.


This annotation is used to associate HTTP request parameters with variables in a controller method. It facilitates the handling of query or form parameters in GET or POST requests.


Although part of @SpringBootApplication, it's useful to mention individually to highlight its purpose: to automate the configuration of Spring Boot based on the libraries available on the classpath. This annotation significantly reduces the need for manual configurations.

Appendix: Common Configurations in Spring Boot

Spring Boot simplifies many of the necessary configurations to get an application up and running, but knowing how to customize fundamental aspects through configuration files like or application.yml is essential. These files allow developers to tweak and define specific properties that control application behavior, such as:

  • Server configuration: Define the default port, session settings, and other server parameters.
  • Database parameters: Configure database connection properties, such as URL, username, and password, as well as aspects like connection pool size.
  • Logging levels: Adjust the application’s logging detail level, crucial for monitoring and debugging during development and production.

Mastering the use of these configuration files not only provides fine control over the application but can also significantly impact its performance and security.

Additional Resources and Documentation

For those who wish to delve deeper into any aspect of Spring Boot, from advanced configurations to the implementation of specific features, the official documentation is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource. The Spring Boot documentation offers guides, tutorials, and a complete reference of all functionalities and configurations possible.

Official Spring Boot Documentation

In addition to official documentation, there are numerous additional resources such as online courses, video tutorials, and discussion forums where the Spring Boot community is quite active and willing to help. These resources can be particularly useful for solving specific problems or for learning through practical examples and case studies.

Section 2: Introduction to DDD (Domain-Driven Design)

Explanation of DDD and Its Relevance in Software Construction

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a software development methodology that focuses on the complexity of the business domain that the software is attempting to model. It was popularized by Eric Evans in his book “Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software.” DDD advocates for creating a linguistically rich and well-structured domain model, which becomes the core of the system and the basis for all design and implementation decisions.

The relevance of DDD in software construction lies in its focus on the domain and business logic. This methodology facilitates communication between technical developers and non-technical domain experts (such as managers and end-users), helping to ensure that the developed software faithfully reflects the needs and complexities of the business. Additionally, DDD aids in creating more flexible and scalable systems that are capable of evolving with the changing requirements of the business.

Main Components of DDD

DDD is structured around several key building blocks that help organize and encapsulate business logic in a clear and functional way:

  • Entities: These are objects that have a continuous identity over time, even if their attributes change. An entity has a unique identifier (ID) that does not change, allowing it to be consistently traceable through different states and over time.
  • Value Objects (VOs): These are objects that do not possess identity and are described solely by their attributes. Value objects are immutable, which means once they are created, their states cannot change.
  • Aggregates: An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects (entities and value objects) that can be treated as a single unit for data processing purposes. Each aggregate has a root and a clear boundary within which consistency is enforced.
  • Repositories: They provide methods for retrieving entities and aggregates and abstract the database access logic from the business domain. Repositories act as a sort of factory for entities and aggregates but also handle persistence.

Practical Example of Modeling a Simple Domain

To illustrate how DDD could be applied in practice, consider a bookstore management system:

Entity: Book

  • Attributes: Book ID, title, author, price.
  • Behaviors: update price, change description.

Value Object: Author

  • Attributes: name, nationality.
  • Immutable: meaning that if the author’s information needs updating, a new instance of the object is created.

Aggregate: Book Catalog

  • Aggregate Root: Catalog, which includes multiple books.
  • Boundaries: Operations within the catalog do not directly affect other parts of the system, such as orders or customers.

Repository: Book Repository

  • Methods: add book to catalog, remove book, search for books by various criteria, such as genre or author.

This model not only clearly organizes how information is structured and accessed but also ensures that the system is robust, scalable, and capable of handling changes in operations and business rules.

Section 2: Implementation Strategies in DDD

Implementing Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in software projects requires a deep understanding of business needs and a clear strategy to effectively model the domain. Here we detail two key aspects of DDD implementation that are crucial in practical application: Integration and Bounded Context, and the use of Event Sourcing and CQRS.

Integration and Bounded Context

One of the cornerstones of DDD is the concept of Bounded Context. This concept refers to the clear delimitation of functionality within the domain model where specific rules and business logic apply. In a large system, different bounded contexts can coexist, each with its own domain model that is valid only within that context.

Mapping between Contexts: In complex systems where different teams work on different parts of the system, it is crucial to establish clear mappings between bounded contexts. This is achieved through integration patterns that define how models interact and communicate with each other. Some common patterns include:

  • Anti-Corruption Layer (ACL): A pattern used to prevent changes in an external context from directly affecting the internal context. It acts as an adapter that translates between two domain models.
  • Client/Server: Where one context is a client making requests to another context acting as a server.
  • Event Publishing: Where changes in one context are communicated through events that other contexts can process without the need for direct coupling.

Event Sourcing and CQRS

Event Sourcing is a technique where changes in application state are stored as a sequence of events. Instead of just storing the final state of an entity, the system keeps an immutable record of events that have changed the state of that entity. This not only facilitates auditing and historical tracking of changes but also allows for reconstructing the past state of an entity at any point.

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is another vital pattern in DDD, which proposes the separation of command handling (write) logic from query (read) logic. This allows for the independent optimization of both aspects, enhancing performance and scalability. CQRS works well with Event Sourcing as queries can be constructed from events, allowing for:

  • Horizontal Scalability: Read and write operations can be scaled independently.
  • Eventual Consistency: Although read views may not immediately reflect changes in state (as is typical in distributed systems), they will eventually synchronize.

The combination of Event Sourcing and CQRS in a DDD environment can address many of the common problems related to data consistency and scalability, especially in complex distributed systems.

Patterns and Principles in DDD

Domain-Driven Design is not only founded on a strong domain model and a solid architecture but also on the implementation of specific design patterns that facilitate handling complexity and promote cleaner, more maintainable code. Here we detail three crucial patterns commonly used in DDD:


The Factory pattern is used in DDD to encapsulate the logic of creating entities and value objects, ensuring that these are created in a consistent and valid state. It is particularly useful when object creation involves complex logic or initialization of several attributes that must meet certain business rules before the object is usable.


  • Imagine an entity Account that can be of various types, such as CheckingAccount or SavingsAccount. An AccountFactory could handle creating the appropriate instance of Account based on provided parameters, ensuring that initial settings, such as assigning an account number and configuring interest rates, are correctly implemented according to the account type.


The Repository pattern acts as a mediator between the domain and the data mapping layer, providing an abstraction that allows handling the collection of entities as if it were a collection in memory. It enables operations such as searching, inserting, and deleting entities without exposing details of the persistence implementation.


  • A UserRepository might abstract the database operations needed to add, delete, update, or search for users. For example, it could have methods like saveUser(User user), deleteUserById(String id), or findUsersByName(String name), each encapsulating the SQL queries or API calls necessary to manipulate user data in the database.


The Strategy pattern is used to define a series of interchangeable algorithms that can be selected and changed at runtime according to business needs. It allows the application to dynamically adapt and apply different behaviors under different conditions.


Consider a logistics system that can use different shipping cost calculation strategies depending on the region and urgency of the shipment. You could have an ShippingCalculationStrategy interface with several implementations like StandardShipping, ExpressShipping, and InternationalShipping. The system can dynamically change the shipping calculation strategy depending on the destination and delivery speed selected by the customer.

These implementation strategies and patterns are crucial in enabling DDD to effectively manage domain complexity and improve the maintainability and scalability of the software.

Section 3: Hexagonal Architecture

What is Hexagonal Architecture?

Hexagonal Architecture, also known as the “Ports and Adapters Pattern,” was introduced by Alistair Cockburn. It is an architectural pattern designed to promote the separation between the business logic of an application and the details of how it interacts with the external world. The central idea is that the application is built around a core domain, with the business logic at the heart, and it communicates with the outside world through ports and adapters. This allows the application to be independent of external services (such as databases, file systems, web interfaces, etc.), facilitating the integration and swapping of these services without affecting the business logic.

Advantages of Using Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot Projects

Implementing Hexagonal Architecture in projects using Spring Boot offers several significant advantages:

  • Component Decoupling: The strict separation between business logic and peripheral infrastructures allows for modifying or replacing components without impacting the business core.
  • Ease of Testing: With business logic decoupled from external interfaces, it simplifies the creation of automated tests, especially unit tests, as ports and adapters can be easily simulated.
  • Flexibility in Integration: Allows easy integration with different types of database technologies, queue systems, or web services, since adapters can be modified or replaced without needing to change the business logic.
  • Scalability and Maintenance: Enhances system scalability by allowing different parts of the system to evolve independently. Moreover, maintenance becomes more manageable due to the clear separation of responsibilities.

Diagram of Hexagonal Architecture Structure

To better visualize how Hexagonal Architecture works, consider a basic diagram illustrating the arrangement of its main components:

In this diagram:

  • The Core (or domain) contains all the business logic and business rules that are independent of external interfaces.
  • Ports represent the interfaces through which the business logic communicates with the external world. In Spring Boot, these could be REST service interfaces, database interfaces, etc.
  • Adapters are concrete implementations that connect the ports to specific technologies like SQL databases, REST services, or email clients.

Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot

Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot is particularly powerful due to the ease with which Spring handles dependency injection, allowing specific adapters to be configured and managed flexibly and under control. This structure not only reinforces the principle of inversion of control but also aligns software design with robust and sustainable development practices.

This architecture facilitates the design of systems that are resilient to changes in the technology landscape, allowing for a more agile response to evolving business requirements. It especially suits complex applications where business rules need clear delineation and where testing, maintainability, and flexibility are critical concerns.

Section 4: Integration of DDD with Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot

The integration of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) with Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot provides a robust structure for building complex and scalable systems. Your proposed directory structure aligns well with the principles of both approaches, promoting a clear and modular design. Next, I will expand the description of how to organize the code within this structure and detail the purpose of each folder.

Directory Structure and Purpose

├── application/
│ ├── ports/
│ │ ├── inbound/
│ │ │ └── // Contains interfaces that define the entry points to the application. These ports are used by external agents interacting with the application, such as user interfaces or REST API requests.
│ │ └── outbound/
│ │ └── // Defines interfaces for external services that the application needs to consume, such as databases or external REST services. These ports help decouple the business logic from the implementation details of accessing external resources.
│ └── services/
│ └── // Implements the application logic coordinating activities between the ports and the domain. Application services play a crucial role in orchestrating domain operations, executing business logic, and acting as a bridge between the domain and infrastructure adapters.
├── domain/
│ ├── exceptions/
│ │ └── // Defines specific domain exceptions that can be thrown by the business logic.
│ ├── entities/
│ │ └── // Contains the domain entities that encapsulate critical business logic and data.
│ └── other domain folders/
│ └── // May include value objects, aggregates, domain events, etc., which are fundamental to the business logic and domain rules.
└── infrastructure/
├── adapters/
│ ├── inbound/
│ │ ├── rest/
│ │ │ └── // Implements adapters for web interfaces, handling incoming HTTP requests and transforming them into calls to the appropriate inbound ports.
│ │ ├── tasks/
│ │ │ └── // For scheduled tasks that perform periodic operations within the application.
│ │ └── events/
│ │ └── // Manages the capture and processing of system events or integration events with other systems.
│ └── outbound/
│ ├── persistence/
│ │ └── // Implements data persistence, for example, using JPA to interact with databases, encapsulating all data access logic.
│ └── rest/
│ └── // Contains the adapters needed to make calls to external APIs, encapsulating the logic of how to interact with other web services.
└── configuration/
└── // Specific configurations of the framework and infrastructure, such as security settings, Spring beans configuration, etc.

It is important to understand that this is an example designed to adequately illustrate what we are discussing, but it is not an absolute truth; this design can vary between articles, ideas, and opinions of developers across the internet.

Implementation Example

Imagine that we are building an application to manage orders in an online store:


  • Inbound (OrderController): Defines how orders are accepted through a REST API.
  • Outbound (OrderRepository): Defines how orders are persisted in the database.
  • Service (OrderService): Coordinates the receipt of orders, their validation according to business rules, and ultimately their persistence through the OrderRepository.


  • Inbound (RestAdapter for OrderController): Receives API requests, validates them, and redirects them to the OrderService.
  • Outbound (JPAAdapter for OrderRepository): Implements the OrderRepository interface using JPA to manage the persistence of orders in the database.

Connection Between Domain Logic and External Infrastructure/APIs

Using this structure, the domain logic in the domain remains purely focused on business rules and domain operations, completely isolated from any details of the infrastructure or external interfaces. The adapters in infrastructure are responsible for translating between requests from the external world and domain operations, maintaining the integrity and cohesion of the domain core.

This work organization is not only effective in maintaining a good level of encapsulation and separation of concerns but also facilitates the scalability and maintenance of the system.

Section 5: Implementing Design Patterns

In software development, especially in contexts that use Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Hexagonal Architecture, design patterns play a crucial role. These patterns not only facilitate the implementation of complex solutions but also enhance the quality and maintainability of the code. Here we explore some common patterns, their implementation in Spring Boot, and the benefits of combining these patterns with DDD and Hexagonal Architecture.

Common Design Patterns in DDD and Hexagonal Architecture

  • Factory: Used to encapsulate object creation, ensuring they are created in a valid state.
  • Repository: Abstracts the complexity of data access operations behind a semantically rich interface.
  • Strategy: Allows varying software behavior at runtime.
  • Adapter: In Hexagonal Architecture, transforms data input and output to separate business logic from infrastructure details.
  • Facade: Simplifies complex interfaces in large systems.
  • Observer: Used to implement domain events, allowing different parts of the system to react to changes without being coupled.

Spring Boot Implementation Examples

Factory: For instance, a factory for creating Account objects, which may have different types such as CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount, could be implemented using static methods or a Spring service that injects the necessary dependencies for account creation.

public class AccountFactory {

public Account createAccount(String type) {
if ("current".equals(type)) {
return new CheckingAccount();
} else if ("savings".equals(type)) {
return new SavingsAccount();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown account type");

Repository: In Spring Boot, repositories can easily be implemented using Spring Data JPA. By defining an interface that extends JpaRepository, Spring will automatically generate the implementation at runtime.

public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository<Account, Long> {
List<Account> findByClientId(Long clientId);

Adapter: Adapters in Spring Boot can be implemented as controllers to adapt HTTP calls to business logic.

public class AccountController {
private final AccountService accountService;

public AccountController(AccountService accountService) {
this.accountService = accountService;

public List<Account> listClientAccounts(@PathVariable Long clientId) {
return accountService.getAccountsByClient(clientId);

You can learn more about design patterns at Refactoring Guru, highly recommended for a first look at patterns and how to implement them depending on the programming language. I encourage you to check it out.

Benefits of Combining Design Patterns with DDD and Hexagonal Architecture

Implementing these design patterns in projects using Spring Boot, DDD, and Hexagonal Architecture ensures that the architecture is not only robust but also adaptable to changes and easy to maintain over time.

  • Consistency and Clarity: Using design patterns helps standardize solutions to common problems, which increases code consistency and eases understanding for new developers.
  • Code Reuse: Design patterns promote code reuse, which reduces duplication and potential errors.
  • Decoupling: Patterns such as Repository and Adapter help to decouple business logic from infrastructure and data access concerns, facilitating maintainability and extensibility.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Using design patterns makes the system more flexible and easier to scale, as the impact of changes in one part of the system on others is minimized.

Section 6: Building and Testing the API

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Features to the API

Building a robust and scalable API with Spring Boot involves several strategic steps. Here is a detailed step-by-step process for adding features to your API:

  • Requirements Definition and Domain Modeling: Start with a clear understanding of business requirements and model the domain using DDD principles. This includes defining entities, value objects, and aggregates that clearly represent the business.
  • Setting Up the Spring Boot Project: Create a new Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr. Select the necessary dependencies such as Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, and any others relevant to your project.
  • Implementing Business Logic: Develop business logic in the domain core, ensuring that domain entities and services are well encapsulated and free from infrastructure logic.
  • Database Integration: Configure repositories using Spring Data JPA to manage the persistence of domain entities.
  • Creating API Adapters: Implement adapters in the infrastructure layer to expose business logic through a REST API. Use annotations like @RestController and @RequestMapping to map HTTP requests to corresponding methods.
  • Validation and Error Handling: Ensure that the API properly handles input validation and manages errors in a way that adequately informs the API client about issues like invalid inputs or operational failures.

Methods for Testing the API

Testing your API is crucial to ensure it behaves as expected. Use tools like Postman and Swagger for comprehensive testing:

  • Postman: Allows you to send HTTP requests to your API and view the responses. You can create a collection of requests that represent different use cases and error scenarios to ensure your API handles all situations appropriately.
  • Swagger (now known as OpenAPI): Integrate Swagger to automatically generate interactive documentation for your API. This not only facilitates testing but also serves as live documentation for your API consumers. Swagger UI allows users to interact with the API directly from the browser.


In this article, we explored how using Spring Boot, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), and Hexagonal Architecture can transform the development of RESTful APIs, making them more robust, scalable, and maintainable. We’ve seen how to organize code, implement business logic, and test the API using modern tools.

The combination of DDD with Hexagonal Architecture, in particular, offers a formidable structure for handling complexity in large applications, ensuring that business logic remains pure and decoupled from external technologies and infrastructure.

I invite you to experiment with these approaches and discover how they can improve the design and maintenance of your APIs. Delving into these concepts can provide you with new and valuable perspectives for your future projects, encouraging the creation of software that not only meets functional requirements but is also flexible and easy to evolve.

Explore, learn, and do not hesitate to share your experiences and learnings as you adopt these approaches in your software development projects.

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Juan Negrin
Juan Negrin

Written by Juan Negrin

Full-stack developer passionate about tackling new challenges and sharing my web development wisdom. Driven by tech innovation and knowledge sharing

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