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Avoid These 3 Mistakes Building an iOS App for Private Distribution

Juan Bernal
4 min readDec 18, 2019


I recently built an iOS app using the Ionic framework for a client only to find out that I had been going about the private distribution through Apple’s App Store Connect completely wrong which cost both time and money.

Picture this: You’ve gone through months of grueling work trying to get your app past testing and you’ve squashed every bug you can think of. The client is happy that the app is now up to par with their expectations and so you are ready to submit it to get the production version of the app into the client’s hands. You are now ready to submit your app for private distribution. Suddenly, something feels off and the submission process isn’t going quite right… Maybe you didn’t read the documentation right? Or maybe there’s a bug with Apple’s submission process?

Here are the top three things not to do when submitting an iOS app for private distribution:

1. Do not send an app for approval/review before configuring the pricing and availability

The review process is rather simple: upload your app through Xcode, submit it for review, distribute it as you wish (TestFlight or otherwise). However, if you are wanting to privately distribute your app, do not submit your app for review until you…



Juan Bernal

Frontend Developer sharing tips, personal experiences, and everything in-between.