Is The 15-Day Business Builder Challenge A Worth The Hype?

9 min readMar 19, 2021


What Is The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge?

The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is part of Dave Sharpe’s Legendary Marketer program & it’s basically a step-by-step training course that teaches you how you can begin making money online by leveraging something known as affiliate marketing.

And I can immediately tell you right from the off that affiliate marketing is legit. In fact, it’s actually the very same way that I personally generate most of my own money online.

So I can vouch for it 100%.

And Dave Sharpe, the founder of the program, is also the real deal too.

But the 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge takes a slightly different approach from many other affiliate marketing training programs because it puts a primary focus onto leveraging high-ticket products.

So basically, rather than simply promoting cheap, low-ticket items that only pay small commissions, Dave’s method will involve you promoting high-ticket products that pay much larger commissions.

His take on it is that if you can promote things that people are already looking to buy then it will be just as easy to generate a high-ticket sale as it would be a smaller one, as the person was already set to buy it anyway (regardless of the cost).

And it’s relatively true…

If somebody was considering purchasing a $5,000 fridge from Amazon & was looking for reviews before making a purchase, then it would be just as easy to convert that person as it would be to convert a person looking for reviews of a $5 torch… Because they’re both already looking to purchase.

As far as you’re concerned as an affiliate, the price is kinda irrelevant.

Yet obviously, one is going to earn you a much more handsome commission than the other.

So, more specifically, the 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is a step-by-step training course that will teach you how you can promote other people’s products as an affiliate & earn high-ticket commissions in return.

I’ll explain more about the finer details as to how it all works & what you’ll actually learn throughout the 15 days in just a moment, but first let’s take a closer look at the man behind it himself, Dave Sharpe.

Who Is Dave Sharpe?

Dave Sharpe is the founder of Legendary Marketer, the parent program of the 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge but he’s probably more well known for being the co-owner of the now-defunct Empower Network.

And in case you don’t already know, Empower Network was basically a program where “affiliate marketing met MLM”.

It was a controversial program, to say the least. Some people made a lot of money, some people lost a lot of money… But the one thing it definitely did was make waves…

Oh, and it also grew, very, very fast.

So fast in fact that it was reported that at its peak, it was raking in over $1 million per day.

And the reason I’m bringing up Empower Network is that Dave mentions a few times in his promotional material that he’s made over $200m online & I believe Empower Network is likely where the majority of it came from.

But either way, whether it is or isn’t, growing a company that fast clearly highlights that Dave does definitely know a thing or two about online marketing & effective promotional strategies.

The good news, however, is that his new Legendary Marketer is MUCH better than Empower Network (and thankfully doesn’t incorporate any of the “MLM”), so you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Which brings me right onto my next point…

Is The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge Legit?

In a word, yes. The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is indeed legit.

And the reason I wanted to clear that up right towards the beginning of this review is that I personally was a little suspicious of the program prior to joining due to its bold income claims.

I mean, don’t get me wrong — I still believe the income claims are relatively bold… But after going through the 15-Day Business Challenge & diving into the training, I can see that they’re justified.

Plus, there were also quite a few reviews that made me pretty sceptical about the program but after conducting further research I found out that they weren’t actually written by real members of the program.

And that’s half the reason I decided to create my own personal 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge review right here… Because due to those fake reviews, I nearly didn’t actually sign up.

But all in all, I’m really glad I did (and you’ll see why shortly).

What Does The 15-Day Business Challenge Entail?

As the name suggests, the challenge consists of 15 lessons of training & firstly I’d like to point out that you actually have 2 options as to how you can progress through the training.

The first option is to simply have free reign to go through them as you please (meaning, whilst not recommended, you could technically go through all 15 lessons in 1 single day).

And the second option is to have them “locked” so that you must call your coach inside of the system in order to progress to the next lesson, forcing you to take your time on each one.

Now, I know a lot of people reading this review will be thinking “why on earth would I lock them” but honestly, I believe it’s actually a better idea because the coach then holds you accountable to taking action.

Basically, it makes you feel more inclined to thoroughly complete the tasks, rather than skipping over them.

But anyway, whichever route you go down, there are 15 lessons in the challenge & the lessons cover the following topics:

  • The #1 Secret To Building a High-Ticket, High-Profit Business Online
  • The Top High-Ticket Business Models Online
  • Build a Business In Under 30 Minutes
  • How To Master The Inner Game of Wealth
  • Developing Your Business Plan
  • Common Questions & Answers
  • When Should You Quit Your Job To Build Your Business Full-Time?
  • What Are High-Income Skills?
  • High-Income Skill #1 — Lead Generation
  • High-Income Skill #2 — Copywriting
  • High-Income Skill #3 — Sales & Presenting
  • What To Outsource?
  • Using OPM To Build Your Business
  • How To Avoid “Wantrepreneur” Syndrome
  • The Race To Your First Sale

The really good thing about the lessons inside of the challenge is that they all have actionable tasks after you complete them meaning that as you progress through you will actually find yourself launching a business, bit by bit.

For example, on day 1 you’ll complete a digital marketing assessment quiz (among other things), day 3 you’ll set up a funnel, day 5 you’ll put together a business plan & so on…

And the other thing I thought that was done really well was the production quality of the videos. Honestly, the training videos that Dave has put together as part of the challenge are really good & really easy to follow.

There’s no fluff, no nonsense — just meat & bones (but explained in a very easy-to-understand manner).

Here’s a screenshot of the first lesson of the challenge so that you can get an idea as to how it’s all laid out:

What Are The Costs?

Here’s the best part. The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge costs just $7.

Yes, $7…

And that gets you full access to the entire 15 days worth of training. I mean sure, with it being a part of Legendary Marketer there are optional upsells for Dave’s other training.

But you could literally pay $7, go through the full 15 days & not spend another dime.

So as far as I’m concerned, the 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge truly does offer massive value when you factor in the price & that’s why I’m so glad I didn’t listen to the “negative” reviews.

I mean, what the heck more could you want for $7?

Well, I suppose you can always want for more… But let’s be realistic here. What more could you really expect to get for $7?

Most other affiliate marketing training courses require you to spend hundreds of dollars just to get through the door… And then they still don’t even deliver as much value as Dave does through his Business Builder Challenge.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, as I mentioned above Dave is trying to use it to sell his other courses… And his other courses are more costly, but they’re also totally optional (yet even more valuable).

In my opinion, an $7 investment into the 15-Day Business Builder Challenge would make for $7 very well spent.

Is The 15-Day Business Challenge Worth It?

Well, considering it costs $7 to join, yes — it is absolutely worth it.

In fact, based on the costs of other comparable affiliate marketing courses, it’s MORE than worth it. I believe that Dave could quite easily charge $100’s for access to his challenge.

So in my opinion, if you spend $7 on the Business Builder Challenge you certainly won’t find yourself disappointed & if you’re new to affiliate marketing you’ll definitely find massive value in the training.

To be honest, even if you’re a marketing veteran you will still find a lot of the training insightful as well (just as I did myself). When it comes to high-ticket marketing, Dave Sharpe knows his stuff for sure.

The Bottom Line

Honestly, for the price of the challenge you can’t really go wrong… So if you’re on the fence about it, my advice would be to just sign up & try it out. I’m confident you won’t regret it.

Dave Sharpe, the founder, is a really clever guy & the training that he’s put together for the challenge is really insightful. Even as an experienced marketer I still picked up some golden nuggets.

And if you’re brand new to affiliate marketing, you’ll definitely find it very insightful indeed.

The only downside, in my opinion, is the fact that there are a lot of “shady” high-ticket programs out there & Dave doesn’t go into too much detail on how you can avoid these (which I believe is pretty important).

You see, promoting high-ticket products that pay high commissions is totally fine, providing those products actually give value to the purchaser. However, sadly, many of them don’t.

But I guess that’s not really a fault of the program. Dave teaches the method, and it’s then up to you as the affiliate to do the due diligence on the things that you recommend… Just like it is with low-ticket items, the same thing applies.

Overall though, the course (in my opinion) is fantastic, insightful & well laid out. It gets my recommendation.

You can sign up & check it out for yourself here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Just in case there are still some questions floating around in your mind that you feel I didn’t cover in the review above, I’ve put together the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions below:

Is The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge Legit?

Yes, it’s legit. The 15-Day Challenge teaches a legitimate method of earning money online known as affiliate marketing which simply involves promoting products or services in return for commissions.

Can You Complete It Faster Than 15 Days?

It depends. By default, yes — you can go through the course as quickly as you like. However, you can also opt to have the lessons locked so that you can only complete 1 per day. If you choose the “locked” option, you will need to contact your business coach to have them unlocked.

How Much Does It Cost?

The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge costs $7. Whilst there are some optional additional purchases recommended by Dave as you progress through the course, there is no extra spend required to complete the challenge.

Do You Need Any Knowledge/Technical Experience?

No, the 15-Day Business Challenge has been created for people who are completely new to online marketing. It will certainly help you if you have previous knowledge or technical experience but it is absolutely not essential.

Who Is It Best For?

The course is best for those who are serious about starting a profitable online business & willing to put in work to make it happen. If you are just looking for an “easy” way to earn some extra money, it will not be the course for you.

What Is Legendary Marketer?

Legendary Marketer is a training program created by Dave Sharpe. The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is one of the core parts of the Legendary Marketer program.

