10 Rules for AB Testing

Judd Dunagan
2 min readAug 31, 2018


When thinking about digital marketing, AB testing is one of the most useful tools to optimize your conversions. It is simple, effective and non-biased. As you might want to generate revenue for you, this should be your creative tool to achieve that.

AB testing will help you convert the exciting traffic into sales. But, to do that you should follow these 10 rules to know what your users prefer and how they consume your content.

10 Rules For Testing

  1. Take every opportunity you have to learn more about your clients´preferences. It will give you the opportunity of a one-to-one basis. Customers profiles are the best way to target them.
  2. It is a must to establish a current baseline to measure the conversion rate. Then it is possible that your future tests will be successful.
  3. AB testing should be performed on your unique content with your unique audience because CRO is not a repeatable process. You will get different results every time to do it.
  4. Go about one variable at a time to check which of them caused the most conversions. Besides, you might want to split traffic between the control group and the variable groups to keep it steady and unbiased. If you test one before the other, you will have added a new variable.

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