[GSoC-2017: 12th week] Built-In Reports for Reference Application OpenMRS

Jude Niroshan
1 min readAug 21, 2017


So, this is it! It’s the final week of Google Summer of Code program. I’m still so proud that I was chosen as a student in OpenMRS community to do some cool work in this summer. This week I was mainly working on writing test cases for React components. Now It’s the time to bundle up the things and make things shinny.

I have changed the appearance drastically with CSS modifications to the user interfaces. Now the things are more clean and minimal. I’m still left with the documentation and preparing a video presentation which need to be shared among the OpenMRS community.

Tomorrow I’ll have the weekly meeting with my mentor. I plan to discuss about the release of this OWA and integrating the TravisCI to this OWA. At the same time I have to write clean documentation what I have done in this summer. Seems like a busy week is coming up ahead. So, I’m getting ready for it :-)



Jude Niroshan

Undergraduate at SLIIT | Google Summer of Code student