[GSoC-2017: 2nd week] Built-In Reports for Reference Application OpenMRS

Jude Niroshan
2 min readJun 12, 2017


Google Summer of Code 2017 coding period was started from 30-May-2017. It will be continued until 29th August 2017. Altogether it goes along for 13 weeks. Each week, students must publish the work that they have been doing throughout the past week. This is helpful to the others to know how the student is progressing on the project and to let others know he is actively working on GSoC project. I was privileged enough to be work as a 2017 GSoC student under OpenMRS organization. I was chosen to work on Built-In Reports for Reference Application project.

In a brief, this project is a very crucial add-on to the reference application distribution of OpenMRS. It aims to bundle the most essential reports which can be viewed by the users. More information is available here.

I had my last meeting with mentors on 6th June 2017. We had the meeting through a Skype Call. Both primary mentor Rafal and backup mentor Stephen was available on time.

I showed them the reports which I have implemented through Java code. Then we discussed about the possibility of implement those reports using cohorts. So, as a initial to this, we decided to implement the New Patient Registrations report using cohort.

I was started to look into the cohort reports and cohort queries. Stephen showed me how to create a basic report which just show all patient names. So, I tried to create the New Patient Registrations report using cohort. But Unfortunately I couldn’t make it. I spent almost the entire week to figure out to make that report.

I have asked many people on IRC and some of my colleagues. They were tried to help me, but we gained no success. So, I updated my status on the official talk thread for the GSoC project.

At the same time, I have made the modifications to the previous PR and made a new PR to referenceApplication module.



Jude Niroshan

Undergraduate at SLIIT | Google Summer of Code student