Empathy, Compassion and Forgiveness: The Wisdom of Branwen

Judith Shaw
6 min readFeb 16, 2024

From the mists of Welsh mythology Celtic Goddess Branwen provides important wisdom for our modern world. Themes of the destructiveness caused by viewing those different from us with distrust and fear are found in her story. Vengeance is revealed as a downward spiral of pain and suffering. She illustrates the healing role empathy and compassion for those different from us and forgiveness for those who have wronged us can play in a world gone mad with war.

Branwen was the sister of the giant, King Bran of the Isle of the Mighty. She was loved by her people for her gentleness, compassion and beauty. In the tradition of the Old Tribes of the British Isles, the son of the sister of the current king would become the new king upon the death of the old one. Thus Branwen is the embodiment of Sovereignty. She is the Center from which all life emerges. She rules over both the spirit of and the physical manifestation of the Land. Her vision is long, seeing the whole, the greater scheme of things.

Branwen is most likely a proto-Celtic Goddess, whose name means “White Raven.” Her story, as told in the Welsh compilation of stories, The Mabinogian, began with love.

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Judith Shaw

Judith is inspired by nature, story and ancient wisdom to write and to create oil paintings, oracle decks and fairytales which combine whimsy and the esoteric.