Fall Equinox with Flidais, Celtic Goddess — Finding Balance

Judith Shaw
4 min readSep 16, 2023

Fall is in the air. After this summer of intense heat I think many of us welcome the changing season even more than usual. As the trees begin to dress themselves in golds and reds and sunlight’s cloak shortens, we prepare for the coming day of balance — the fall equinox.

Falling on September 23 this year, the fall equinox, known as Mabon in the Celtic Pagan calendar, marks the end of the harvest season. This is a day to pause and feel the perfect balance between the light and the dark while giving thanks for the abundance of Mother Earth. This is the moment when we collectively feel that abundance of summer giving way to the darkness of winter.

Flidais, Celtic Earth Goddess, who represents both our domestic and our wild natures, is an excellent goddess to remember as we leave behind the domestic season of growing and harvesting and move into the season of darkness where we can more easily access our wild, untamed selves. Her example helps us find balance within ourselves.

Her Story

Flidais (FLEE-ish) first appeared in the ancient mythological cycles of the Tuatha de Danann as an Earth Mother. She is a complex Celtic Goddess with many differing stories and aspects. She was the mother of the Irish cultivator heroes, Arden, and Bé Téite and the “she-farmers” Bé…



Judith Shaw

Judith is inspired by nature, story and ancient wisdom to write and to create oil paintings, oracle decks and fairytales which combine whimsy and the esoteric.