The Serpent and the Goddess
The otherworldly energy of Snake — it’s vitality, its uncanny ability to sense danger, and its ability to shed its skin and reappear as if reborn must have invoked feelings of awe in our ancestors. All across the pre-historic world one finds depictions of Snake and the spiral or meander as Snake’s symbols.
Snake Symbolism
Fertility, Primal Energy, Transformation, Rebirth, Healing, Protection, Psychic Awareness, Wisdom, Earth, Underworld, Eternity
Snake Wisdom
Snake offers protection from negative forces and helps overcome obstacles. Snake opens your eyes to the signs and vibrations of your circumstances — gifting you with the psychic awareness needed to interpret them and the wisdom to move forward on your path.
Snake reminds you to stay grounded and cool-headed, to avoid flights of fancy and emotional outbursts.
Snake brings an awareness of your sensuality — your ability to respond to stimuli — while reminding you of the power of your primal instincts and unconscious drives to either lead you astray or bring you to new spiritual heights.
With its healing powers, Snake helps you eliminate the venom of anger and resentment.
Snake — Guardian Spirit to the Underworld — brings messages of renewal. Know…