Judo Mats Manufacturers in India:Basic Rules of Judo

Judo Mats
2 min readJul 20, 2018


Judo is one of the most sought-after forms of modern martial arts. It was inculcated by Professor Jigoto Kano. Judo adapts many techniques from jujitsu, which is an ancient form of martial art.

Kano got his training under many prodigies in the art and later developed his own version of martial art that went on becoming one of the most popular forms of martial art across the world.

Kano took his first class using a 12X18 foot mat in a hall. Till today, judo is practiced on mats. Judo mats are made available for the judo practitioners by the Judo Mats Manufacturers in India.

Judo Mats Manufacturers in India

Basic Rules of Judo

Here are some of the most basic rules of Judo:

For judo, one would require a tatami, i.e. a judo mat, which should be 14m X 14m in dimension. The mat should have a marked out combat area, which should be marked at 10m X 10m. The Judo Mats Manufacturers in India manufacture ideal mats for judo.

The judokas, i.e. the athletes should bow before taking a step on the mat. They must bow before and after the competition, as well as practice.

It is necessary to wear a gi or uniforms for judo. The uniform must be 5 cm above the wrist and ankle.

In the international judo competition, the judokas get to combat in a bout of 5 minutes. The judokas fight to win an ippon. If judokas fail to get an ippon, the judoka with the highest score comes out as a winner.

In cases of a tie, the Golden Score becomes the tiebreaker. The corner judges and referee decide the winner.

The judokas get penalties for shido (minor) or hansuko make (major) rule infringements. If a judoka gets four shidos or one hansoku make, an ippon is awarded to his opponent.

Use of any outlawed technique by judokas is strictly prohibited.

