American Creed

Juliana Domaleski
4 min readJun 10, 2022


If we all took a moment to research our family trees, no doubt you will discover that it started with an immigrant coming to America for the precious gift of freedom. Freedom from their native-born country from persecution, to practice their religion, and a better life for themselves and their future generation.

It was not a piece of cake for them suffering hardships and poverty. We can enjoy the unlimited opportunities America has to offer from the backbreaking labor of our ancestors.

Being an American can have many different meanings to different people. To me being an American is people who show love for their country and the flag. Other traits that can contribute to being a good American are paying taxes, following the laws, and voting. Some people can take the journey of going into the military, which makes the best contribution to America.

In addition, throughout the fifty states, there are many symbols, words, and rituals done to express the American Creed. Symbols that represent the American Creed are; the American flag, an eagle, fireworks, the Statue of Liberty, a gavel, and a cross. Each of these symbols is seen throughout the United States resembling different meanings of the American Creed. The American Flag was sewn by Betsy Ross in 1752 as a symbol of respect by our citizens that our nation stands together against all enemies. In the American Flag, the stripes represent the 13 colonies and the stars represent the 50 states in the United States. “The colors of the flag are symbolic as well; red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white symbolizes purity and innocence, and blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice” (“History of the American Flag”). The Bald eagle came into play when President John F. Kennedy wrote in his letter to the Audubon Society that when the Founding Fathers chose the bald eagle as the national bird, they made a wise choice. This magnificent bird symbolizes the strength and freedom of America with its fierce beauty and proud independence. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France in 1886 and is now located in New York Harbor, representing freedom and democracy in the United States. Fireworks are a good way to celebrate the 4th of July and show national prosperity and patriotism. A gavel is a wooden mallet that a judge uses in the courtroom, this represents the justice system. These symbols allow each state, city, and citizen to become one. These symbols show citizens and remind us of important history and the principles that are set forth.

Moreover, important words to the American Creed are equality, dreams, liberty, freedom, and opportunity. Equality in America means that no one is better than anyone else, and everyone has equal rights. Everyone has to follow the same laws and regulations, there are no unfair or unlawful penalties. Dreams and opportunity play a big part in the American Creed, dreams relate to the American Creed by citizens being able to dream and have goals for their life and have the ability to accomplish them. In America, liberty means a person has the right to be free from unreasonable and arbitrary restraints. Freedom in the United States is where it allows anybody to act, speak, or think as one desires without hindrance or limitation.

Furthermore, there are more than a thousand rituals in the United States. The most common rituals Americans choose to worship are Christianity, Presbyterian, Catholic, and Mormons. “Christians believe in one God that created heaven, earth, and the universe. The belief in one God originated with the Jewish religion. Christians believe Jesus is the “Messiah” or savior of the world. They also believe that he is the son of God” (“Christianity Fast Facts”). According to Presbyterians, the Scriptures, the sovereignty of God, and the necessity of grace are what define theology. Like other Christians, Catholics believe in Jesus Christ’s divinity. He is the Son of a God-made-man who, through His dying and rising, redeemed humanity from sin. Mormons believe Joseph Smith is considered the restoration of Christ’s church as well as the guidance of living prophets and apostles by Mormons. Mormons believe in the Bible, just like Christians do.

Our values are instilled in us today from a strong community, living in peace with one another, and a helping hand for the less fortunate that cannot rise from their environment due to lack of employment and inferior run schools. Family ties are also supported by a person’s value in society.

To survive, a community requires strong leaders willing to organize things like sports, touring libraries to introduce the love of books, organizing walks for the young to enjoy nature and its beauty, and holding meetings for ideas on improving their community.

Worked Cited:

“Christianity Fast Facts.” CNN, Cable News Network, 18 Aug. 2021,,is%20the%20son%20of%20God.

“History of the American Flag.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 6 June 2022,,represents%20vigilance%2C%20perseverance%20and%20justice

