Epididymitis Home Treatments

Judy Mayer
2 min readFeb 22, 2017


As the pace of life becomes faster and faster, many males are busy with their work and seldom have time to take good care of themselves. Some of them even suffer from male genital diseases like epididymitis. This disease is characterized by the infection or inflammation of epididymis. It can bring many annoying symptoms to patients, including painful and swelling scrotum, testicular pain, pain in groins, frequent and painful urination, pain during ejaculation. Patients can take epididymitis home treatments to relieve the symptoms.

bed rest

1. Bed Rest: Staying in bed for a few days will bring patients some relief from the discomfort.

2. Ice packs: Applying ice packs to the scrotum will also help to reduce the swelling and provide with relief.

3. Elevate scrotum: Keep a folded towel under the scrotum to act as a support.

4.Athletic supporters: Wearing an athletic supporter or jockstrap will provide patients with some relief.

5.Avoid sex: This will allow the testicles to heal faster and also prevent spreading the infection.

In addition to home treatments, some herbs can also used to alleviate symptoms of epididymitis, including yarrow, horsemint, stone root, willow, birch, mint balm, kava kava and saw palmetto. These herbs have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties

that can help to relieve the pain associated to epididymitis and remove the inflammation. However, you should consult your doctor about the dosage and kinds of the herbs before you use them.

If you want to have a safe and natural treatment for epididymitis, you can take herbal medicine called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This medicine is made from herbs with no side effect. It’s based on years of scientific research and can work on epididymitis effectively. It can help to relieve the pain by improving the blood and Qi flow. By adding herbs with the properties of clearing heat and toxins, it can eradicate the bacteria that can cause epididymitis completely. Moreover, other herbs in the pill can induce the diuresis and relieve stranguria so that the frequent and painful urination can be cured.

To have a full and early recovery, it’s helpful to take home remedies during the epididymitis treatment duration.

