How Yoga Helps In The Workplace

Judy Molinaro
5 min readOct 28, 2017

corporate wellness your yoga practice Jul 11, 2017

As Americans, we often spend many long hours working. Whether your day has you seated at a desk in front of a computer, or rushing from one meeting to the next, your job may be posing serious risks to your mental and physical well-being.

Realizing this unhealthy trend, approximately a quarter of large US employers have begun “stress reduction” initiatives in the workplace, and that number is steadily growing. Pro sports teams, Forbes, GE, Apple, Google, GM, HBO, and Nike are among the companies that recognize the value of yoga to their workforce.

The benefits of incorporating this ancient modality into everyday life has proven to be a win-win for everyone; here’s how yoga helps in the workplace.

The benefits of incorporating yoga into everyday life has proven to be a win-win for everyone.

Relieves stress. With over 70% of people in the US regularly experiencing symptoms caused by stress, it should come as no surprise that mounting job pressure is among the leading cause of this physical and psychological malady.

Yoga’s stress busting power comes from the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, commonly referred to as the ‘rest and digest’ response. What yoga does is to bring you to a place of surrender; helping you let go of that which you have little or no control over.

You will discover how to handle the stresses of the day with greater ease. Preparing you to go from 110mph to Zen.

Increases teamwork. Many people would agree that workplace relationships can sometimes be difficult to navigate. They can be the most explosive and fiery or the most peaceful and productive.

Science is catching up with ancient wisdom and today science proves what yogis have always known. If you want to create deeper, more sustainable connections, bring yoga into your life. Inner reflection, stillness and mindfulness that is experienced from practicing yoga, is conducive to overall well-being and enhanced performance in the workplace.

Yoga is so much more than just another exercise routine; it is a practice that delivers a powerful bang for the buck. And while it’s not a panacea, it is an effective medicine for your mind, body and spirit.

If you want to create deeper, more sustainable connections, bring yoga into your life.

Promotes mental clarity. Yoga enthusiasts have long known that the advantages of a regular practice go well beyond the physical realm. It is also an excellent way to improve concentration, and cognitive skills.

A recent study showed that practicing 20 minutes of yoga could actually improve brain function. The researchers said that after practicing yoga, “the participants were better able to focus their mental resources, process information quickly, more accurately and also learn, hold and update pieces of information.”

Whether you need to power through a project for work, or clear your mind for an important meeting, you will achieve higher levels of clarity and awareness. When faced with the task of making critical decisions in your work day activities, you will have the upper hand.

Supports an upbeat mood. Everyone experiences life’s obstacles and it’s easy to let the daily grind of office politics bring you down. While you can’t always control what comes your way, you can control how you react to it.

Your yoga practice will offer you time to focus and calm your mind; helping you maintain your composure through the ups and downs of your work day. A serene mindset will help you let go when faced with inevitable confrontations and conflicts with co-workers and customers.

Beginning your day with a yoga practice will help you to focus on the positive things in life. Learn to transform your thoughts and how you interact with the world. Foster gratifying qualities like patience and compassion, bringing you a greater sense of joy and pleasure throughout the day.

While you can’t always control what comes your way, you can control how you react to it.

Unlocks your creativity. A great side effect of a regular yoga practice is its ability to fortify and deepen your creative expression. It encourages you to open your mind to look at things from a different perspective. Yoga also has a calming effect with regard to your brains endless mental chatter; as you begin to relax you become more receptive to your creative style and self-expression.

This heightened state of awareness allows your mind the tools to do what it does best — imagine, explore, and innovate. Through yoga you will always be a work in progress; expanding your consciousness, broadening your perspective and boosting your creative energy.

Elevates self-confidence. Do you find yourself scrutinizing your life, your image, and your work, to that of your colleagues? With today’s never-ending stream of social media, it’s easy to feel insecure and inadequate when you to compare yourself to your fellow workers.

It’s easy to fall prey to the staggering online culture prevalent in today’s technical world. The pressure to achieve a position of distinction and prestige in the workforce can be relentless and exhausting.

Yoga will help you gain self-confidence by accepting yourself as you are, it is a natural morale booster. It will encourage you to recognize and acknowledge all that you are capable of; believing in the qualities that make you unique, and trusting in the abilities that set you apart from the competition.

Yoga classes are a benefit in the workplace

Companies are recognizing that offering yoga classes to their employees contributes to many dimensions of the work environment. Encompassing the whole individual, mind, body, and spirit, you can easily see how the benefits of how yoga helps in the workplace.

Judy Molinaro is a master yoga instructor and wellness coach at If you are interested in incorporating yoga classes into your company, or at your next conference, contact her. Sign up for her weekly newsletter and receive a preview of her health and fitness book Eat Like You Give A Damn FREE!

Originally published at



Judy Molinaro

I support in-house wellness programs, seminars, trade shows and executive retreats. I help business leaders build and maintain physical and mental well-being.