The Tea Time Traveler – 949 – A Short History of IG Colour

Juergen Becker
4 min readJun 10, 2019


There was a banging at the door.

Three men in black with golden badges and a blinking pen were on the other side.

“Maybe I should have been quiet about the Martian.” was Franks thought while opening the door.

“Good Morning, my name is agent Smith and these are agent Fox and agent Haunt, we are from MI-5 and need to talk with Frank Wolf.” said the tallest of the three.

“I am Frank, Frank Wolf. Please come in. How can I help you? I was on the way to make a tea, can I offer you some?” Frank responded curiously.

“We have some question regarding the businesses at IG Colour. Thank you, we take you up on your offer.”

‘Tea Time with the men in black from MI-5, that’s a first’ Frank is thinking, ‘IG Colour is a better topic than Martians.’ He realized that the blinking pens where a reflection at he top of the badges.

Frank leads the tea party to the dinner table, the agents are sitting down. The stove is next to the dining area, Frank fills the teakettle and places it on the hot burner.

He gets 4 teacups and places spoons, honey and half-and-half on the table together with some napkins.

Russel’s teapot would be a great topic for this conversation. The analogy illustrates that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making unfalsifiable claims, rather than shifting the burden of disproof to others.

Comes handy when confronted with the hypothesis that there is a teakettle orbiting between Earth and moon, the existence of an almighty god, or statements made in politics and within IG Colour these days.

Agent Smith puts a recording device on the table, it looks like the recorder that Frank used to tape his first programs on his first super computer ZX81, the recorder seems to be off. Good to know that there will be tapes.

“Is Earl Gray okay for you?”

“That’s perfect” is the response from agent Smith and his colleagues are nodding in approval. ‘That clarified the hierarchy ’ thinks Frank.

“Mr. Wolf, thank you for your hospitality. We have read your reports on the case.” agent Smith continues. “The agency has a couple of questions that we are here to clarify, especially about the history of IG Colour. We will record the conversation and we ask for strict secrecy as this is still an ongoing investigation. Do you agree with the conditions?”

“Sure, it is an honor for me to be at your service.” Frank responds, ‘it is what it is, and what is, will be good.’ another saying from his time in Germany comes to his mind. “Will I get an update on the investigation?“

He pours the water in the cups and adds the tea. ‘This will be an interesting tea table conversation.’ is his thought while placing the cups on the table.

“Unfortunately, there will be no updates provided. Can we start the interview now?” agent Smith asks patently but determined.

Frank is sitting down. Agent Smith starts the recording.

2 hours and another round of tea later, the 3 men in black are leaving the house.

‘That was quiet enjoyable, these guys know what they are doing.’

Frank closes the door after them, listening to the buzzing of the little bee that sneaked out as well.

‘Should I have mentioned the Martian that is hiding in the studio?’ Frank is contemplating. ‘They did not ask. It may be outside of the responsibility of their department anyway.’

Information is provided as needed, only at request in these situations and all questions were answered. Frank has a hard time with the rules of the department as his mind is always wandering and wondering.

Frank fixes another tea. On his way to the studio he thinks about the Martian who is waiting upstairs.

He will ask the Martian if the universe thinks whether the moon belongs to Earth or mars. That’s a very lively discussion these days. The Martian May even know if Russell’s teapot is still orbiting.

The Martian kindly and firmly rejected any drinks or food that Frank offered so far. The Martian even refused an Earl Gray with two drops of honey and two teaspoons of half-and-half. Frank considers this refusal to be very alien.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental



Juergen Becker

timeless stories with historical references lost in translation - zeitlose Geschichten mit historischen Verweisen verloren in der Übersetzung