Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Successfully

Juho Tunkelo
3 min readApr 5, 2023

You know the saying:

“Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first.”


Personally, I think the better way to look at it is:

“Anything worth doing is worth doing successfully!”

So what that means is when you sit out to do something that is important to you and you wanted to be successful, why not look for people who have done it before or something like it.

Let’s take the Wolf of Wall Street as an example.

Jordan Belfort didn’t want to just write a memoir for therapy, no he wanted it to be a bestseller. So he took the Bonfire of Vanities I believe from Tom Wolfe and realized this is the level of writing that is involved in a bestseller.

So he used something like seven or eight months according to himself to really break down his way of writing and the way a bestseller needs to be structured.

And then he used that model to write his own book, his own memoir. And so he became a bestselling author, and then it was turned into a blockbuster movie and then he parlayed that into a successful career doing sales coaching etc.

But the point is, if he had looked at his prospects for writing a book and got like well let’s just get started and see what happens and it’s worth doing poorly…

Sure he could’ve ended up with A first draft that might have had some semblance of greatness in it. But it would’ve been so hard for book editors and Hollywood agents to read that it just wouldn’t have been picked up ever.

It’s easy to look at something a successful and go, yeah yeah, all they needed to do was to document what happened. That’s simply not true. And the same goes for marketing, the same goes for silly stuff online and especially copywriting because…

Surprise surprise: it does matter having the right framework in your mind having to write using models first…

Only then can you go in and create your final high performing sales copy and what have you.

But you must start out with a proven model as the basis or you’ll just be setting yourself up for disappointment. And while getting over disappointment as an entrepreneur is an important skill…

It should be simply the first waypoint in every single journey take. You should be increasingly and incrementally more successful every time you take another journey, every time you have a new project or a new endeavor.

As you up the stakes. And that’s what I’m here to teach slash coach…

Show the way to cut your learning curve which will be there but it will be so much shorter and more delightful that you would think.

Because the unfortunate thing is, a lot of entrepreneurs and even talented writers approach copywriting completely from the cold — and therefore determining right off the bat that it’s too hard. That it’s only for the supremely gifted and so on and they just leave it.

And of course I could just go: “great, more work for the rest of us!”

But it really doesn’t give me any pleasure to see the copywriting field get divided into those who have the proper training and conditioning, and those who fumble for way too long.

Therefore… once more, I’m opening up access to my Copywriting Mentorship program.

It’s worked wonders for many, many successful writers over the years. And frankly I should raise the price like a LOT, it’s basically a fraction of what many of my peers charge.

So this might very well be the last time, to be honest. Let’s get on the horn (of plenty) and figure out your bright future!

See you here:



Juho Tunkelo

Internet copywriter, marketing strategist and conversion specialist. Writing freely. @juhotunkelo