How often should air purifier filters be replaced?

3 min readNov 6, 2023


As people become more concerned about a healthy environment, more and more people are buying air purifiers. However, many people may encounter a common problem when using an air purifier — how to know when to replace the filter? This article will introduce you to the filter replacement cycle of your air purifier.

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Air purifier filters need to be replaced regularly

The filter of an air purifier is an important part of ensuring the filtration effect of the purifier. Different types of filters have different filtration effects for different pollutants, such as PM2.5, formaldehyde, bacteria, etc. After the filter is used for a period of time, due to the accumulation of more filtered particles, the purification effect will be easily reduced, and the service life of the air purifier will also be affected. Therefore, it is very necessary to replace the filter regularly.

How long does it take for an air purifier filter to get dirty?

The air purifier filter will gradually become dirty over time. The speed at which it becomes dirty is related to the use environment, frequency of use, air quality and other factors. In large cities with high pollution, air purifier filters may get dirty faster. Generally speaking, the filter life of an air purifier is 6–12 months, but the specific time should be determined according to the actual usage.

Air purifier filter replacement cycle

How to determine the filter replacement cycle of the air purifier? Generally speaking, the filter replacement cycle of an air purifier can be considered from the following aspects:

(1) Manufacturer’s recommended cycle: There may be slight differences between air purifiers of different brands, so it is recommended to check the manufacturer’s instruction manual when purchasing, and follow the manufacturer’s recommended cycle for replacement.

(2) Usage: The frequency of filter replacement also depends on your usage, such as usage time, usage environment, etc. The filter of an air purifier is more likely to become dirty when used in places with high pollution and high traffic. In this case, it is recommended to shorten the replacement cycle.

(3) Purification effect: If you find that the purification effect of the air purifier is reduced or the noise becomes louder, it may be that the filter has expired and needs to be replaced.

In summary, no matter what type of air purifier you use, regular filter replacement is necessary. The replacement cycle of the filter will affect the purification effect and service life of the air purifier. In order to ensure the health of your family, it is recommended to check the status of the filter regularly and replace it in time.

