I Attempted To Replicate Cher Horowtiz’ Closet From “Clueless”I, to the best of my ability, managed to catalogue my closet to somewhat reproduce Cher’s.Jan 4, 2020Jan 4, 2020
Ignite Tutoring: Making Mentorship And Passion Essential For Teaching“We are all UCLA students with a passion for learning and teaching; we wanted to create a company that would cultivate not only an…Jan 3, 2020Jan 3, 2020
Gender Bias In Professions Is A Social Construct That Shouldn’t Stop Young People From Pursuing…Gender biases in professional fields are nothing more than societal conventions that exist to control gender roles.Jan 3, 2020Jan 3, 2020
Menstrual Hygiene Must Be A Part Of Our National Healthcare ConversationReproductive healthcare is national healthcare.Jan 1, 2020Jan 1, 2020
‘Captain Marvel’ Shares An Important Message That Shouldn’t Be UnderestimatedCaptain Marvel is an important movie from the perspective of the young audience it addresses.Jan 1, 2020Jan 1, 2020
Lilly Singh Will Be The Host Of Her Own Late Night Show And I Couldn’t Be ProuderLilly Singh will be the first woman to host late night television in the first time in 30 years.Jan 1, 2020Jan 1, 2020
The Image-Evoking, Storytelling Power Of Indian Classical MusicIndian classical musical instruments and singing evokes beautiful imagery and narratives.Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
Alex Honnold’s Free Climbs Show What Humans Can Do When They’re At Their BestHonnold has free-climbed Half-Dome and El Capitan, among other amazing natural structures.Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
Remembering The Legacy Of My Childhood Hero This Steve Irwin DayNovember 15 marks the day internationally commemorating my inspirational childhood hero, Steve Irwin.Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
Netflix’s Rom-Com Renaissance Encourages Viewers To Become ReadersBased-on-book stories are being turned into movies left, right, center!Dec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019