About Mia Young


It’s a mi-a, the Juice Buff!

Get it?

Maybe not…

Image provided by the author: It’s me!

I’m Mia Young, and back in 2018, I started writing about my experience with Juicing and juice cleansing on juicebuff.com.

It’s been a wild ride helping a ton of people lose weight and feel better about themselves, but I’ve noticed a gap. Medium doesn’t seem to have much out there talking about Juicing.

Maybe it’s out of fashion, but I believe there are still people interested in learning about Juicing. So I created an account, and here I am.

If you’re interested in juicing or juice cleansing, then feel free to follow me.

Much love,




Mia Young - The Juice Buff

I write about the power of juicing and juice cleanses to heal the body. Head over to Juicebuff.com to learn more