The Real Pothead Stereotype!

Juicy Network by JuicyFields
3 min readSep 10, 2020


Honestly, I’m a bit guilty.
I’ve been consuming edibles and having a wonderful time. I haven’t worried about a thing. I’ve laughed every single day and been grateful life is as wonderful as it is.

Pot has been wonderful to me and my body. I’m less stressed, more calm, and a deep appreciation for life. But, just the other day I got the evil eye and a lecture about the immorality of recreational marijuana use. Something inside of me wanted to make the self-righteous people see the real picture.

But since the latter will likely never happen I’ll eat edibles! The perfect hideaway in this crazy world.

Most everyone knows how to identify a stoner. The red glassy eyes, happy and mellow demeanor, positive vibe. And it’s great to be able to identify another stoner. You vibe and move as one. But what about when you’re identified by the anti-stoner? You know those people who think cannabis is for the depraved?

You run and hide. Before the look of death or a lecture comes your way!

These people are not friendly to meet in society. They perpetuate the stigma against cannabis use. If you use cannabis for fun you’re a hooligan, destined to fail. You’re presumed lazy, unproductive, a bum, immoral and a sinner.

But who can blame them? They too were once fun-loving kids. Maybe not. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, gives us pro-marijuana people some understanding of why the witch hunt continues. In the document the church comments on the use of drugs, including marijuana, “Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense.”

I never feel this way and neither has anyone who’s ever smoked a little pot.

In fact, all the cannabis users I’ve ever met were productive, kind, creative, friendly, people. They care for their families, communities, neighbors, friends. They are nature lovers and animal-enthusiasts. Businessmen, politicians, doctors, lawyers, engineers, artists. They’ve built this industry in a short period of time. And they did it with cannabis. As John Adams, the 2nd U.S. president said, “We shall, buy and buy, we want a world of hemp, more for our own consumption.” And we shall have it!

My world includes stress relieving cannabis. And I always get my work done and care for my family. I do them in a less stressed mood.

Cannabis enhances life. That’s why the average pothead you meet is a friendly, kind, non-violent, creative person.

Those self-righteous people who ignore good qualities to focus on finding faults are steadily becoming the minority. Their ability to pigeon hole every cannabis user into the lazy degenerate stereotype is weaker now than 20 years ago. But that way of thinking will never fully die. There’ll always be people to attack your amoral cannabis smoking ways.

I say be kind!. Carry on your merry little way and avoid trouble. Because that’s the real stereotype of a person who’s enjoyed marijuana a few minutes before. They are kind, funny, thoughtful, patient, peaceful, and laughing a lot more than the average.

As one author put it. . . .”Whoever laughs last is probably the most stoned!”


Is a copywriter and licensed attorney in the U.S. For almost two decades she has advocated on behalf of people arrested for cannabis related matters. “I’ve even been fortunate enough to marry my sweetheart and adopt his German heritage as my own. We have two amazing boys together. In my downtime I enjoy spending time and playing baseball with my family and our dog. One day we plan to go back to Europe and stay a while. My husband is my inspiration for my work.”



Juicy Network by JuicyFields

Juicy Network is a cannabis community that support and enact the vision for, our cannabis Crowdgrowing platform.