Making it Work: 10 Essential Parenting Tips for Working Mothers.

10 min readMay 31, 2023


Working mothers often face new challenges when it comes to parenting. The juggling act of balancing work commitments with the need of a family can be overwhelming and exhausting. It makes the mothers feel like they are constantly falling short. It is possible to thrive in both the areas using right tools and strategies. In this article, we’ll explore some essential parenting tips for working mothers to help you make it all work.

From setting boundaries, managing your time effectively, practising self-care and asking for help when you need it, we will cover all these areas to help you focus on succeeding as a working mother. Rest assured, whether you are embarking on this journey or seeking ways to enhance your work-life balance, we’ve got you covered.

Parenting Tips for Working Mothers:

1. Establish a Consistent Schedule or Routine:

One of the key factors for succeeding as a working mother is to create a schedule or routine that works for you and your family. I cannot stress enough the importance of having a routine, as it can help you stay organized and on top of your responsibilities, reducing stress and increasing productivity. You need to identify your priorities and set time aside for the things that matter the most such as work, family and self-care.

Create a top-down list of high-priority to low-priority tasks to help you make the most of your time by eliminating decision fatigue and allowing you to focus on more important tasks. It is crucial to maintain a sense of flexibility and adaptability to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or shifts in your work and family dynamics. Establishing a routine that meets your needs or aligns with your goals can help you balance and fulfil life as a working mother.

2. Find a Quality Childcare That Meets Your Needs:

Finding quality childcare that meets your needs is one of the important parenting tips for working mothers. While it may present challenges, prioritizing your child’s safety, happiness and well-being during your work hours is of utmost importance. Take some time to do your research on childcare centres, home-based providers or nannies. After identifying the potential providers, the next step is to conduct interviews and inquire about their qualifications, experience and policies. Also, do a background check and check for references to ensure the provider has a clean record.

It is also important to start preparing your child for this transition. If possible, try to make this transition slowly as it will be helpful for you and your baby. Start doing it before you return to work full-time or while you are still on maternity leave. Prioritize dropping off your child at their grandparent’s house, enabling you to accompany them to daycare temporarily, or arrange for a nanny to start working a week or two in advance of your office return. By following these tips, you can facilitate a smooth transition for yourself and your baby.

3. Mapping Out a Sustainable Work-Life Balance with Your Manager’s Support.

One of the most important parenting tips for working mothers is to map out a sustainable work-life balance with your manager’s support. This includes having an open and honest conversation with your manager about your needs as a working mother and working together to find a schedule or an arrangement that meets both your and your company’s needs.

For example, you might negotiate flexible working hours or remote work arrangements that allow you to handle your work responsibilities with your parenting duties. It’s also important to set boundaries and communicate them with your employer and colleagues, such as not checking work emails after the completion of the work hours or not working on weekends.

By making such arrangements with the support of your manager, you can reduce stress and burnout, increase productivity and job satisfaction, and have more time and energy for your family and personal life.

4. Delegating Responsibilities to share the load at home and work.

Delegating responsibilities is also one of the important parenting tips for working mothers who are trying to balance the demands of home and work. This involves sharing the load with your partner or other family members, as well as giving tasks at work where possible. For example, you can share a load of household chores with your partner or hire someone to clean up the house or meal delivery to free up more time and energy.

At work, you might ask your colleague or assistant to do some tasks or automate certain tasks to increase efficiency. Delegating responsibilities can help you de-stress and avoid burnout. It also improves your relationships with your family and colleagues. It is also important to communicate your needs and expectations with your partner and colleagues and to be open about feedback and collaborations to find a sustainable balance. By delegating responsibilities and sharing the load at home and work, you can create more time and space for the things that matter the most to you as a working mother.

5. Prioritizing Your Own Needs for Your Well-Being.

When it comes to being a working mother, we tend to put ourselves last on the list and busy ourselves with taking care of the child and family. Prioritizing your own needs for your well-being is also an important parenting tip for working mothers. It’s essential to take care of yourself to be a happy and effective parent and employee.

This might involve setting aside time for some exercise, meditation or other self-care forms that bring you joy and fulfilment. Also, prioritizing sleep, nutrition and other basic needs are important for your physical and mental health. It helps in improving your mood and energy level and boosts your overall well-being.

Keeping your needs first can also be an example for your children and colleagues, showing them the importance of self-care and work-life balance. Thus, it is important to have time for yourself to be a happier, healthier and more effective working mother.

6. Involve your kids in the household chores.

Involving kids in the daily household chores is one of the excellent parenting tips for working mothers. This teaches them to be independent and responsible. This also lightens the burden of the mother from doing all the chores alone. It does help develop a strong work ethic and promote a sense of teamwork and cooperation, and it can also provide an enjoyable and fulfilling way for children to acquire new skills and experience a sense of achievement.

To involve your kids in the household chores, plan and assign some age-appropriate tasks that are manageable and easy to understand. This might involve things like making the bed, setting the table, or sorting laundry. You can also ask them to help you with meal planning, preparing the food, grocery shopping, etc. To make these tasks fun and entertaining for kids, you can turn them into games or challenges or offer rewards or incentives for the job well done.

Be sure to give your children clear instructions and provide plenty of positive feedback and encouragement to help them build confidence and a sense of competence. Involving your kids in the daily chores and working with them together will allow you to interact and spend time with them.

7. Spend some quality family time.

Making time for your family is crucial, both during the week and on the weekends, to nurture your family dynamic and allow everyone to bond. It is also one of the most important parenting tips for working mothers. This will help you maintain a strong relationship with your children despite busy schedules and competing demands.

It’s important to set aside some time each week to do things together as a family, whether that’s going for a walk, playing games, or simply having a meal together. Quality time doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, but to be fully present and engaged with your kids and to create opportunities for laughter, conversation and shared experiences.

If you’re pressed for time, try scheduling them in your calendar or prioritizing them as non-negotiable time blocks. This might mean, when you go do a family outing, avoid talking about work or constantly checking the phone or saying no to work requests or social gatherings which can affect your family time.

By prioritizing family time, you can strengthen your relationship with your kids, build happy memories, and create a sense of closeness and belonging that will last a lifetime. This will also help you come close to your partner.

8. Building a healthy relationship with your partner:

Building a healthy relationship with your partner is a crucial aspect of parenting tips for working mothers, as it provides a strong foundation of support and unity within the family. With busy schedules and the demands of parenting, it can be easy to neglect the needs of your relationship. However, investing time and effort in your relationship is vital for maintaining a healthy and harmonious family dynamic.

You need to make it a priority to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, sharing your thoughts, feelings and concerns. Actively listen to each other, and show empathy and understanding. Find ways to connect, spend quality time together even if it’s for a few minutes each day, and go on dates or movies. This will reignite the sparks and keep the romance alive.

Additionally, support each other in individual roles and responsibilities as a parent and professionals. Show appreciation for each other’s efforts and create a division of tasks that feels fair and balanced. By building a strong and healthy relationship with your partner, you can strengthen the overall well-being of your family and navigate the challenges of parenting and work with unity and love.

9. Remember to be a good role model.

Remembering to be a good role model is a fundamental parenting tip for working mothers, as our actions and behaviours greatly influence our children’s development and values. As a working mother, you have a unique opportunity to demonstrate to your children how hard work, determination and one’s passion.

Show them the value of responsibility by fulfilling your work commitments and honouring your commitments at home. Model good time management skills and demonstrate the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Be mindful of your words and actions, treating others with kindness, respect and empathy.

Show your children the importance of self-care by prioritizing your own well-being and mental health. By being a positive role model, you can instil strong values and qualities in your children, empowering them to grow into compassionate, resilient and successful individuals.

10. Don’t compare yourself with other mothers.

One important parenting tip for working women is to avoid comparing yourself to other mothers. In today’s interconnected world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing our parenting styles, achievements and choices to those of others. However, each mother’s journey is unique and what works for one family may not work for another.

Focus on your strengths and celebrate your achievements as a working mother. Remember that every family has different circumstances and priorities, and what matters most is that you are doing your best for your children and yourself. Instead of comparing, seek support and connection with other mothers who understand and offer valuable insights and empathy.

Embrace your individuality as a mother and trust your instincts. By letting go of comparison, you can cultivate a sense of confidence and contentment in your parenting journey and create a positive and nurturing environment for your family.


Being a working mother is a fulfilling yet challenging role that requires a careful balancing of responsibilities. By incorporating these parenting tips for working mothers into your daily life, you can navigate the demands of work and family with greater ease and confidence.

From creating a schedule or routine that works for you to finding quality childcare and involving your kids in household chores, these are the tips to provide a roadmap for success. Remember to prioritize your own needs for your well-being, spend quality time with your family, build a healthy relationship with your partner and be a positive role model for your children. And, most importantly, avoid the trap of comparing yourself to other mothers, as your journey is unique.

By embracing these tips and adapting them to your specific situation, you can create a harmonious and fulfilling life as a working mother, fostering a loving and supportive environment for your children to thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What do working mothers struggle with the most?

Working mothers often struggle the most with balancing the demands of their careers and family responsibilities. They have to face many challenges in managing their time effectively, dealing with guilt or the fear of missing out on important moments with their children, and finding adequate support systems.

The constant juggling act between work and family can lead to high levels of stress and emotional exhaustion, making it crucial for working mothers to prioritise self-care and seek strategies that promote work-life balance.

2. Do working mothers raise better kids?

The quality of parenting and the outcomes for children depend on a variety of factors beyond whether a mother works or not. The ability of working mothers to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for their children depends on their circumstances, support systems, and the time and attention they can dedicate to their children’s needs.

Ultimately, what matters most is the love, care and support provided by parents, regardless of their employment status.

3. What is the biggest disadvantage of being a working mother?

One of the biggest disadvantages of being a working mother is the potential for increased stress and feelings of being stretched thin between work and family responsibilities. Balancing the demands of the career and parenting can result in limited self-care, reduced quality time with children, and heightened pressure to manage multiple roles effectively.

Additionally, working mothers may experience guilt or the fear of missing out on important milestones or events in their children’s lives, adding emotional strain to their daily lives.




A passionate writer and a book lover. Sharing experience about #Parenting, #ChildNutrition #ChildrenActivities #WorkingMomsExperiences