The what and why of NaBloPoMo..

2 min readNov 1, 2018


NaBloPoMo = National Blog Post Month apparently. As far as I can tell it was something the BlogHer community started a few years ago inspired by the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and amongst other things is more international than national and seems to be less focused on a single month than it used to be…but…doing one post a day in November appears to have been the original goal of the thing and given it was Terence Eden who inspired me to do this that is what I am going to try!

I do tend to blog in bursts anyway — it is one of the reasons I do the #weeknotes to try and keep a regular posting cadence during the fallow periods — but this is pretty challenging. Even taking into account Terence’s advice to schedule a few posts in advance!

In an effort to take a little bit more pressure off I have brainstormed a list of topics for posts in advance as well → — one of my personal goals is to write a few non work type posts. To be honest nobody ever reads them when I do that but I thought it might be fun for a change. I’m also going to take requests if anybody has an idea for something for me to write about?

The ‘rules’ are pretty broad so there might be a few photo or sketch posts — maybe even a links post or two — not to mention I am counting my jobs newsletter as well!

Anyway — this in post numero uno.





Applying the culture, practices, processes & technologies of the Internet-era to respond to people’s raised expectations…as a service :)