Annabella Sossoe
3 min readOct 30, 2023

On a dark and stormy Halloween night, a man named Timmy decided to go all out with his costume. He had meticulously transformed himself into a larger-than-life, fire-breathing dragon.

Armed with his trusty umbrella (disguised as a scaly tail, of course), he set out into the heavy rain, ready to conquer the trick-or-treating world.

As Timmy roamed the rain-soaked streets, his dragon costume garnered plenty of amused glances and a few muffled giggles.

He relished the attention, feeling like a mythical beast on a quest for candy. But as the rain intensified and the thunder rumbled ominously, Timmy realised he needed shelter — and fast.

He spotted a nearby church, its grand doors beckoning like a haven from the tempest. Gathering his courage, Timmy charged toward the entrance, his scaly tail umbrella flapping in the wind.

With a dramatic push, he swung the church doors open just as a brilliant bolt of lightning streaked across the sky.

Unfortunately, Timmy’s theatrical entrance was met with more than just the awe he expected. The church was in the midst of a service, and the thunderous boom of the doors flinging open sent the congregation into a frenzy.

Gasps filled the air, hymnals were dropped, and even the reverend stumbled over his sermon.

The congregants’ reactions ranged from shock to sheer terror, as they pointed toward Timmy in his dragon costume, his umbrella-tail still unfurled dramatically.

In the dim candlelight, his green and gold scales gleamed with a wicked sheen, and the combination of his costume and the storm outside convinced them that the very devil himself had barged into their midst.

The churchgoers wasted no time. Pandemonium ensued as they scrambled over pews, tripped on robes, and pushed past one another in a desperate bid to escape the clutches of the supposed demon.

Timmy stood there, utterly bewildered, as the once-peaceful congregation turned the church into a chaotic frenzy.

“Wait, wait! It’s just a costume!” Timmy shouted, but his plea was drowned out by the panicked screams of the churchgoers.

With the church now nearly empty, Timmy sighed, lowering his umbrella-tail and scratching his head beneath the dragon mask. He had inadvertently turned a quiet religious gathering into a scene straight out of a horror movie.

Eventually, the reverend, having regained his composure, approached Timmy. He peered closely at the bewildered dragon, his initial fear giving way to bemusement.

“Well, my friend, I must say your costume is certainly impressive,” the reverend said, stifling a chuckle. “But perhaps next time, consider saving your entrance for a more… dragon-friendly audience.”

As the rain continued to pour outside, Timmy couldn’t help but laugh. He had certainly made a memorable Halloween impression, even if it wasn’t quite the one he had intended. And as the church’s congregants slowly trickled back inside, they realised that sometimes, the things that go bump in the night might just be a guy in a dragon costume seeking refuge from the rain — not the devil himself.

And so, the story of Timmy, the rain-soaked dragon, became a legendary tale that the churchgoers would retell for years to come.