Meet Angelique Vasquez

Jules Roy-Macauley
3 min readNov 16, 2023


A trailblazing Principal in our software team. Angelique joined us at Altima to work as part of our specialists in the fast-growth tech space in EMEA. Prior to joining Altima, Angelique was part of the Senior Technical Leadership Talent team at Meta, focused on executive hires for the International team. Angelique began her career at an executive boutique search team focusing on C-level hires across various verticals in tech.Angelique graduated from the IESEG School of Management with an MSC in Business Analytics and Consulting from Paris. In her spare time, you can find her traveling and enjoying outdoor activities.

Get to know a bit more about Angelique as we asked here these quick fire questions!

How did you find your way into search?

My degree is in business and analytics, and out of university, I wanted to work within the European Tech ecosystem. During that time, European Tech was still nascent. I was curious to learn about different industries, business models, and people, ultimately leading me to search as it represents the perfect blend of all my interests.

Best career moment to date?

I was recently promoted to Associate and received a mandate for a VTOL scale-up that had significant funding but had no product out to market. The requirements for this hire were niche, resulting in a rare candidate profile and requiring extensive mapping and diligence to identify suitable companies and people. We ultimately made the hire after a year of the search. However, I was proud of the search because of its complexity and our commitment to finding the best person for the role.

How are we growing the amount of CFO hires despite the current difficulties within the market?

Altima hosts a combination of expertise in the tech and talent market, enabling a unique value proposition. Although there is a lot of uncertainty in the market, providing attention and diligence instills confidence in candidates and clients that everyone’s best interest is being considered during the search process.

And your favorite tech-enabled company?

I am very supportive of a healthy lifestyle, and various companies are taking strides to make elements of our health more transparent and accessible. Zoe is a health tech who develops a data-driven personalized nutrition program, understanding each of us has a unique biology. Zoe offers a tracker to build a nutrition study of the microbiome and provides personalized insights based on individual eating habits and general research.

Top book recommendations

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. It discusses the effects of different external factors, such as timing and location, and how that can affect the variance of success. There may be elements to success that are outside of one’s control. Therefore, success cannot always be defined by controlled inputs.

Best piece of advice you were ever given?

The best advice I received was not to be afraid of making mistakes and to learn from failures. It has taught me not to be scared to put myself out there and ultimately reach a higher potential.

